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Radiation Protection and Radiological and Clinical ExaminationsLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: BA00CJ28


The student is able to describe the most important radiation protection and radiation protection issues related to medical radiation use. The student is able to prepare and guide the patient for the most important radiological examinations: X-ray examinations, ultrasound examinations and magnetic examinations and radiological procedures.

The student knows the stages of the laboratory process and is able to guide the patient in the most common clinical trials. The student is able to take the EKG-film and the most common blood and urine samples. The student is familiar with the basics of analytics, as well as basic clinical chemistry, hematology, physiology and microbiology studies.


Radiation Protection and Radiological Examinations: Generation of X-rays and biological effects of radiation
Radiation legislation in Finland and radiation protection methods for medical radiation use
Preparations for examinations, course of examination and follow-up treatments for key radiological studies

Clinical examinations: Laboratory process, blood and urine sampling, and other analytics. Basic examinations in clinical chemistry, hematology, physiology and microbiology

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student is able to make some use of radiation legislation related to medical radiation use and issues related to radiation protection in nursing.
The student is able to describe briefly how he / she guides the patient in some key radiological examinations.
The student is able to distinguish the most important radiation-damaging examinations from other studies.
The student understands the most important risk factors related to magnetic examinations.

The student knows the role of the nurse in the laboratory process and in obtaining reliable laboratory results.
The student is able to guide the patient to various laboratory tests.
The student knows the basics of analytics.
The student is familiar with clinical chemistry, hematology, microbiology and physiology studies.
The student is able to take different blood and urine samples as well as the EKG- film.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

3- 4
The student is able to utilize radiation legislation related to medical radiation use and issues related to radiation protection in nursing.
The student is able to describe how he/she prepares and directs the patient in the most important radiological examinations.
The student is able to distinguish radiation-related studies from other studies as a rule, and to understand the risk factors associated with magnetic investigation.

The student understands the role of the nurse in the laboratory process and in obtaining reliable laboratory results and is able to apply the knowledge in practice.
The student is able to guide the patient to various laboratory tests, knowing the reasons for the respective case.
The student knows the basics of different analytics and knows how to apply them in his/her activities.
The student is familiar with key clinical chemistry, hematology, microbiology, and physiology studies and is able to utilize the knowledge to guide the patient.
The student is able to control different types of blood and urine samples and EKG- film and is able to justify his/her actions.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student is able to apply radiation legislation related to medical radiation use and issues related to radiation protection in nursing.
The student can reasonably describe how he / she prepares and guides the patient in all important radiological examinations.
The student can critically justify and distinguish radiation-sensitive studies from other studies.
The student understands the risk factors related to magnetic investigation, partly applying them in nursing.

The student masters the role of the nurse in the laboratory process and in obtaining reliable laboratory results
Student patient guidance for various laboratory tests is smooth and justified
The student is able to do high-quality analytics independently
The student masters the essential clinical chemistry, hematology, microbiology and physiology studies and understands their importance in patient care
The student is able to control the taking of blood and urine specimens of different grades and the heart film independently, justifying their actions

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student does not master the essential issues of radiation legislation and radiation protection related to nursing.
The student is not able to describe the guidance and preparation of the patient coming to radiological / clinical studies or the description is fundamentally inadequate.
The student is unable to distinguish between radiation-sensitive studies and other studies.
The student does not know the risk factors of magnetic research
Patient safety is compromised during the student's activities.