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National and Global Health PromotionLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: BA00CJ04


The student knows how to evaluate the health and well-being of the population in his/ her native countries and in Finland. The student is aware of factors that cause public health problems and future national and global health risks. He / she understands how social decision-making and structures are linked with the promotion of health and functional capacity on the national and international levels.


Health Promotion from the viewpoint of a smoke-free environment. The current health and well-being of the population in Finland and in a few other countries. Factors that impair public health and prevention of these factors. Factors that promote or inhibit people's resources. The impact of the individual's or community's socioeconomic status on health. Early detection and prevention of risk factors. Prevention of accidents. Global health risks and preparing for these risks. Health and well-being in various countries. Circumcision in the legislation in Finland and from the viewpoint of human rights and self-determination. Globally prevalent diseases in a nutshell.


No prerequisites

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student only masters part of the concepts related to national and global health, epidemiological research methods and statistics used to describe and control national and global health. To some extent, the student is able to read research and to use research knowledge to recognise causes of health differences and the background of prevalent diseases. Student's attitude to the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse is professional to some extent, but the knowledge of the recovery methods is still somewhat lacking.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student partly masters the concepts related to national and global health, epidemiological research methods and statistics used to describe and control national and global health. He/ she is able to read research and partly use research knowledge to identify causes of health differences and the background of prevalent diseases. Student's attitude to the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse is professional and he/ she can facilitate clients' recovery by means of a motivating method.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student masters the concepts related to national and global health, epidemiological research methods and statistics used to describe and control national and global health. The student is able to read research and use research knowledge to identify causes of health differences and the background of prevalent diseases. Student's attitude to the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse is professional and he/ she can facilitate clients' recovery by means of a motivating method.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Fail = 0
The student fails to master concepts related to national and global health, epidemiological research methods and statistics used to describe and control national and global health. He/ she is not adequately able to read research and use research knowledge to identify causes of health differences and the background of prevalent diseases. Student's attitude is still lacking as regards to the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse and the counselling of clients.