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Introduction to Project WorkLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: YP00CI78


The student is able to
- explain the character of project work and determine when the project work model is useful
- present the basic knowledge and skills on the basis of which he/she can participate in project work and project planning
- explain concepts connected with projects, content of a project plan, project time planing and supervising (life circle)
- present tasks connected with the different phases of the project cycle


- concepts and methods of project work
- project phases and process
- project plan (time, resource and cost planning)
- project organisation and interest groups
- changes, risks and problems in project work
- project communication and reporting
- concluding a project


No prerequisites

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can name and define the central concepts which describe Project and Project management. The student can define basic skills required for working as part of a Project team. The student can explain different phases of the project cycle.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can explain the central concepts which describe Project and Project management. The student can explain well different phases of the project cycle and can define skills required for working as part of a Project team. The student has basic Project work skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can name and define very well the central concepts of Project and Project management. The student can explain very well different phases of the project cycle and can define skills required for working as part of a Project team. The student has Basic Project work skills.


A textbook in project management and Project management competence 3.0
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Project management basics (or equivalent book recommended by course lecturer):
Pratt, David. Great Lessons in Project Management. Vienna, US: Management Concepts, Incorporated, 2014. ProQuest ebrary. Web. 17 January 2017.