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Finnish 6Laajuus (3 op)

Tunnus: IB00DS84


The student is able to communicate more fluently and accurately than after the Finnish courses included in the basic studies. He/she can also write and understand more detailed and complex texts related to his/her professional life and leisure time. His/Her knowledge has strengthened and broadened, especially in verbs and using new types of verb constructions, and he/she has learned how to broaden his/her vocabulary by using different means of word formation.

The target level of the course is B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


The course will be connected e.g. to practical training or work in Finland.
- personal aims for the course
- weekly diary on language and cultural contents student has learned in his/her work (incl. written & spoken assignments)
- portfolio and presentation which are based on personal learning goals
- self-assessment
- reading and writing short texts related to job and leisure time
- small talk with friends and colleagues
- reacting in less familiar situations
- personal aims for the course
- Grammar: word formation, verb constructions


Finnish 1 - 4

Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Pass: The student has participated in contact lessons actively and submitted all the assignments. The assignments are sufficient in comparison with the learning outcomes.
Fail: The activities and learning outcomes concerning assignments are not sufficient in comparison with the total number of credit points for the course.