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Growth factors and plant growth (10 cr)

Code: 9A00CY07-3001

General information


19.04.2021 - 19.09.2021


06.09.2021 - 31.12.2021


10 op

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Rural Enterprises
  • Open University of Applied Sciences


  • Anu Latva-Reinikka
  • Jussi-Matti Kallio
  • Juha Tiainen
  • Sanna Ekström
  • Anna Tall
  • Jori Lahti
  • Arja Nykänen

Responsible person

Jukka Kauppila

Scheduling groups

  • Pienryhmä 1 (Size: 15. Open UAS: 0.)
  • Pienryhmä 2 (Size: 15. Open UAS: 0.)

Student groups

  • AGRO21A

Education groups

  • Pienryhmä 1
  • Pienryhmä 2


The student is able to explain the main factors of soil, weather and nutrients influencing, plant growth as well as the role of plants and soil in carbon sequestration. The student can also describe basic anatomic and physiological concepts of plants. The student is able to describe the factors related to the formation, composition, function and quality of soil and their changes. The student is able to define the soil types and their properties, and is able to apply data in agricultural use.

The student is able to explain basic meteorological concepts and is able to explain the factors influencing weather phenomena, especially in Finnish conditions. The student is able to assess the need for drying and irrigation required for arable farming and to present different drying and irrigation methods. The student is able to determine the objectives of fertilization and liming based on soil data taking into account environment, sustainability and circular economy. The student is able to describe the structure and operation of machines and equipment used for seeding, fertilization and tillage. The student is able to determine the key factors affecting the machine's work efficiency.


Plant morphology; plant-based structures and their functions. Plant Anatomy; a plant cell and tissues. Plant Physiology; photosynthesis, water and plant nutrients.
Weather observations, Climate zones and Finland's climate, meso- and micro-climates, Weather services for farming,
Principles of soil water management, drainage and irrigation methods. principles and objectives as well as machinery of seeding, tillage and fertilization
Soil and fertilization: Soil formation, soil types and their properties, soil minerals and soil organic matter, cycles and environmental effects of nutrients, fertilization according to plant need and environmental support conditions, fertilizers including livestock manure and other organic and circular fertilizers, interpretation of soil samples.


Material in Moodle and:
Pankakoski 1997. Puutarhurin kasvioppi tai
Fagerstedt ym. 2008. Kasvioppi, siemenestä satoon
Heinonen yms. (toim.) 1992. Maa, viljely ja ympäristö. Luvut 1,2,3,4. WSOY.
Maan vesi- ja ravinnetalous Ojitus, kastelu ja ympäristö,
Kalkitusopas. Kalkitusyhdistys; Alakukku yms. 2002.
Maan rakenteen hoito. Tieto tuottamaan 98. Maaseutukeskusten liitto;
Ravinteet kasvintuotannossa, Tieto tuottamaan 127;
Elomaa ym. 1988. Sää ja maatalous. Maaseutukeskusten liitto.
Saavalainen (toim.) 1981. Salaojittajan käsikirja, osa 1a. Suomen olosuhteet kuivatusta silmällä pitäen. Salaojituksenkannatusyhdistys
Pajula ja Triipponen (toim.) Selvitys Suomen kastelutilanteesta. Suomen ympäristö 629.
Pajula ja Järvenpää (toim.), 2007 Maankuivatuksen ja kastelun suunnittelu. Suomen ympäristökeskuksen raportteja 23/2007, 187 s. Julkaisu on saatavana vain verkkojulkaisuna.
Saatavuus: sequence=1
Peltomaa 1999. Salaojien kunnossapito-opas (myös verkko-julkaisu), Salaojakeskus, Salaojituksen tukisäätiö ja Tekninen korkeakoulu.
Tiainen Risto (toim.) 2005. Maatilatalouden teknologia

Teaching methods

Lectures and practicals: 45 %, Assignments and independent study: 30 % which are associated with the course contents and information students have acquired on a given topic, practical problem-solving, and an exam (25 %).

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to study the basics of the period. The student is able to describe the factors related to the formation, composition and function of soil, soil types and their properties.
The student is able to determine the objectives of fertilization and liming based on soil data. They are able to describe the structure and operation of machines and equipment used for seeding, fertilization and tillage, and are able to determine the key factors affecting the machine's work efficiency.
The student is able to explain the effects of soil, weather conditions and nutrients on plant factors such as plant growth, photosynthesis, water and nutrient uptake and reproduction. The student is able to explain the functioning of plants as carbon sink and soil carbon reserves.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students are able to study course things well. The student is able to describe the factors related to the formation composition and function of soil, soil types and their properties.
The student is able to determine the objectives of fertilization and liming based on soil data. They are able to describe the structure and operation of machines and equipment used for seeding, fertilization and tillage, and are able to determine the key factors affecting the machine's work efficiency.
The student is able to explain the effects of soil, weather conditions and nutrients on plant factors such as plant growth, photosynthesis, water and nutrient uptake and reproduction. The student is able to explain the functioning of plants as carbon sink and soil carbon reserves.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to course things well and knows how to apply them in practice.Students are able to study the basics of the period. The student is able to describe the factors related to the formation and composition and function of soil, soil types and their properties.
The student is able to determine the objectives of fertilization and liming based on soil data. They are able to describe the structure and operation of machines and equipment used for seeding, fertilization and tillage, and are able to determine the key factors affecting the machine's work efficiency.
The student is able to explain the effects of soil, weather conditions and nutrients on plant factors such as plant growth, photosynthesis, water and nutrient uptake and reproduction. The student is able to explain the functioning of plants as carbon sink and soil carbon reserves.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exams, assignments and participation practical training
Compulsory participation in practicals.