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Case Management (4 cr)

Code: GERAPJ500-3012

General information


01.05.2021 - 17.09.2021


06.09.2021 - 29.10.2021


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

1 op

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care, Applied Gerontology


  • Katariina Perttula

Student groups

  • MGERO20


Students will learn to describe case management as an approach to work, its principles and processes and to analyse levels and methods in case management. Students understand the coordination role of the case manager and have theoretical understading of how to counsel, advise and support aged clients and their families. Students know how to use public, private and community services and forms of support in case management. Students are able to understand ethical and participatory documentation.


- case management as a tool
- case management as a process
- the role of the case manager
- multiprofessional collaboration and networks
- various models and levels in case management
- documentation in case management


- Hänninen, K. Palveluohjaus. Asiakaslähtöistä palvelua vauvasta vaariin. Stakes, FinSoc. Raportteja 20/2007.
- Ikäneuvo- käsikirja neuvonnan ja asiakasohjauksen suunnitteluun. Lokakuu 2018. Saatavissa:
- Ketola, T. & Alaverdyan, A. 2020. Ihmisiä kohtaamassa: Asiakaslähtöisen palveluohjauksen jäljillä työikäisten palveluissa. Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja 295/2020, Jyväskylän ammattikorkeakoulu.
- Palveluohjauksen käsikirja. Artikkelikokoelma taustoista ja käytännöistä
Kanta-Hämeen Pitsi-hanke. Saatavissa:
- Patronen M., Hämäläinen J., Sola J., Leisio J., Koistinen T. & Holja T. Palvelutori – Ohjaus- ja neuvontapalvelu ikäihmisille. 2015. 2. uudistettu laitos. Sitran selvityksiä 82.
- sekä muu mahdollisesti opettajan osoittama materiaali

Teaching methods

Lectures, individual and group work, expert visitors, independent study, essay or exam.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Students are able to name theoretical principles of case management, but their application in practice is lacking.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

Students know how apply the theory of case management in practice. Students are able to analyse future challenges in case management, giving appropriate arguments.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to explain and justify the principles of case management and extensively apply the theory of case management in practice. Students are capable of analysing future challenges in case management.


previous studies are not required