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Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing, Full-time studies: TH21

Code: TH21

Bachelor of Social Services and Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Health Care

240 ects

4 years (240 cr)

Start semester:
Spring 2021


The purpose of the Degree Programme in Public Health Nursing is to train experts of public health nursing, whose work is based on evidence-based multi-disciplinary knowledge, extensive public health nursing competence and high ethical standards. Registered Public Health Nurses (UAS) are qualified to examine, evaluate and develop their public health nursing competence, professional work, work community and professional field. They plan, implement and develop public health nursing in national and international contexts.

Registered Public Health Nurses (UAS) are licensed to practise professional nursing. The training abides by the directives of the European Council pertaining to the education of nurses responsible for general care.

Registered public health nurses work as independent experts of nursing in primary health care, specialised medical services, social services and in the private and third sectors. They support, nurse and counsel healthy and ill individuals of all ages, families, groups, and communities. Public health nurses implement and develop evidence-based nursing/public health nursing to promote and maintain their patients' health, to prevent and cure illness, to ensure rehabilitation and to implement medical care prescribed.

Key competences in public health nursing involve promoting the health of individuals, families, communities and environment; prevention of illness; planning, implementation and evaluation of client-centred public health nursing and clinical expertise. Other key competences involve client and patient counselling and teaching, and ability to work in multi-professional teams. Finally, the key competences involve use and command over nursing scientific research and evidence-based knowledge as well as nursing management and quality management.

Teaching in the Degree Programme in Nursing follows the constructivist theory of learning. Various kind of the student-centred, experiential, individual and collaborative learning methods enhance the student’s evidence-based learning. Simulation exercises and other exercises in the classrooms and also web-based learning methods are used as learning methods.

Show study timings by semester, study year or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 Spring
3. / 2021 4. / 2021 5. / 2021 1. / 2021 2. / 2021 3. / 2022 4. / 2022 5. / 2022 1. / 2022 2. / 2022 3. / 2023 4. / 2023 5. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2023 3. / 2024 4. / 2024 5. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2024

(Choose all)

Building competence

(Choose all)

XX00CG82 Studying at a University of Applied Sciences 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
XX00CG83 Career Planning and Internationalisation 2 1 1 1 1 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.5
YP00CE22 Communication Skills 3 3 3 1 1 1
YP00CE24 ICT Skills 3 3 3 1 1 1
Business and entrepreneurship competence

(Choose all)

XX00CL55 Basics of Entrepreneurship 3 3 3 1 1 1
XX00BE91 SeAMK Innovation Week 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
Research and project work skills

(Choose all)

YP00CE30 Introduction to Research and Development 2 2 2 1 1
YP00CE32 Introduction to Project Work 3 3 3 1.5 1.5

(Choose all)

ST00CE34 As an Expert in the Social and Health Field 2 2 2 1 1
ST00CE36 Basics of Drug Care 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
TH00CE38 English 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
TH00CE40 Swedish 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
VI00CE42 Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, written 0
VI00CE44 Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, oral 0

(Choose all)

Client-Centred Professional Competence

(Choose all)

TH00CE46 Professional Interaction and Cooperation 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
TH00CE48 Ethicality in Nursing 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
Evidence-Based Nursing and Decision-Making

(Choose all)

TH00CE50 Evidence-Based Nursing 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
TH00CE52 Research and Development Methods 3 3 3 1 1 1
SHO3B1 Knowledge Acquisition 2 1
BD00CL60 Bachelor's Thesis Plan 5
BD00CE56 Bachelor's Thesis Implementation and Reporting 10 10 10 5 5
Client and Population-Based Health Promotion

(Choose all)

BD00CE58 Health-Promoting Nursing and Information Searching 1 4 4 4 1.3 1.3 1.3
TH00CE60 National and Global Health 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
TH00CE62 Counselling Patients and Families 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
Quality and Safety in Social and Health Services

(Choose all)

BD00BX89 The Nurse's Social Competence 3 3 3 1 1 1
SH00BX91 Management and Quality Assurance in Social and Health Services 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
SH00BX93 Digitalisation and eHealth in Social and Health Services 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
Safe Drug and Fluid Care

(Choose all)

SH00BX95 Drug Care and Calculations 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
SH00BX97 Drug and Fluid Care 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
SH00BX99 Pharmacology 3 3 3 1 1 1
Asiakaslähtöinen kliininen osaaminen-ihmiskehon rakenne ja otiminta sekä mikrobiologia ja tautioppi

(Choose all)

SH00BY01 Basics of Clinical Nursing 1 4 4 4 1.3 1.3 1.3
SH00BY03 Basics of Clinical Nursing 2 4 4 4 2 2
SH00CF61 First Aid 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
SH00CF65 Radiation protection and radiological and clinical examinations 3 3 3 1 1 1
SH00BY05 Medical and infectious disease nursing, palliative care and client with disabilities nursing 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.3 1.3
SH00BY07 Surgical, perioperative and gynaecological nursing 4 2 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7 1 1
SH00BY09 Mental Health Nursing and Addiction Nursing 4 4 4 1.3 1.3 1.3
TH00CH56 Gerontological Nursing 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
SH00BY15 Maternity Health and Paediatric Nursing 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
SH00BY13 Practice and Outpatient Nursing 2 2 2 1 1
SH00BY17 Nursing in Acute and Critical Situations 2 2 2 1 1
TH00CH55 Medical Subjects in Nursing 5 2.5 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
Practical Training in Clinical Nursing

(Choose all)

BD00CE90 The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
BD00CE92 The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
SH00CJ84 Supervised Clinical Training in the Basics of Clinical Nursing 8 8 8 4 4
SH00BY33 Supervised Clinical Training in Medical or Surgical Nursing 14 14 14 4.7 4.7 4.7
SH00BY43 Supervised Clinical Training in Gerontological Nursing 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
SH00CJ85 Supervised Clinical Training in Mental Health Nursing 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
SH00BY39 Supervised Clinical Training in Paediatric Nursing 8 8 8 2.7 2.7 2.7
SH00BY41 Supervised Clinical Training in Outpatient or Acute Nursing -placements 8 8 8 4 4
Advanced Public Health Nursing Studies

(Choose all)

TH00CH15 Methods of Health Promotion 4 2 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7 1 1
TH00CH17 Vaccination Skills- basic and advance studies 3 3 3 1 1 1
TH00CH18 Breastfeeding Counselling 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
TH00CH19 Social Health Care and Environmental Health Promotion 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
TH00CH20 Public Health Care for an Expecting Family 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
TH00CH21 Child and Family Public Health Care 4 4 4 1.3 1.3 1.3
TH00CH22 Public Health Care for School- Aged Children and their Families 3 3 3 1 1 1
TH00CH23 Public Health Care for Working Age Clients and their Families 5 5 5 1.7 1.7 1.7
TH00CH24 Public Health Care for the Elderly and their Families 2 2 2 0.7 0.7 0.7
Practical Training in Public Health Nursing

(Choose all)

BD00CF24 Practical Training in Public Health Care of Expecting Families 10 10 10 5 5
BD00CF26 Practical Training in Public Health Care of Children and their Families 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
TH00CF28 Practical Training in Public Health Care of School-Age Children, Young People and their Families 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
TH00CF30 Practical Training in Public Health Care of Working Age Adults and their Communities 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
TH00CF32 Development of Public Health Nursing 5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.3 1.3

(Choose ects: 4)

KG00CF34 English Preparatory Course 2
KG00CF36 Nursing in Acute Settings 2
BD00CF38 A night at the hospital 2
BB00DE55 Multi-Professional and Multicultural Simulations in Home Environment 2
XX00DN99 Introduction to Finnish healthcare 3
Multidisciplinary working-life projects

(Choose all)

Total 240 32 55.5 52.8 60.3 29.5 32 25.8 29.8 25.3 27.5 29.3 31 29.5 10.8 10.8 10.8 12.9 12.9 10 10 10 12.7 12.7 9.3 9.3 9.3 14.6 14.6 10.5 10.5 10.5 14.8 14.8

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

General competencies (Bachelor’s Degrees)

1 Learning competence

- is able to self-evaluate and develop one’s competence and learning style orientation
- is able to retrieve and analyze information and evaluate it critically
- is capable of taking responsibility for collaborative learning and sharing knowledge in teams

Studying at a University of Applied Sciences
Career Planning and Internationalisation
Communication Skills
ICT Skills
Introduction to Project Work
Research and Development Methods
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2
2 Ethical competence

- is able to take responsibility for one’s own actions and for the consequences of these actions
- is able to work according to the ethical principles of the subject field
- is able to take other people into account in one’s actions
- is able to apply the principles of equality
- is able to apply the principles of sustainable development
- is capable of social influencing using one’s know-how and based on ethical values

Professional Interaction and Cooperation
Ethicality in Nursing
Bachelor's Thesis Implementation and Reporting
Health-Promoting Nursing and Information Searching 1
National and Global Health
Counselling Patients and Families
The Nurse's Social Competence
Drug Care and Calculations
Drug and Fluid Care
Basics of Clinical Nursing 1
Basics of Clinical Nursing 2
First Aid
Radiation protection and radiological and clinical examinations
Medical and infectious disease nursing, palliative care and client with disabilities nursing
Surgical, perioperative and gynaecological nursing
Mental Health Nursing and Addiction Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
Maternity Health and Paediatric Nursing
Practice and Outpatient Nursing
Nursing in Acute and Critical Situations
Medical Subjects in Nursing
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2
Supervised Clinical Training in Medical or Surgical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Gerontological Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Paediatric Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Outpatient or Acute Nursing -placements
Methods of Health Promotion
Vaccination Skills- basic and advance studies
Breastfeeding Counselling
Social Health Care and Environmental Health Promotion
Public Health Care for an Expecting Family
Child and Family Public Health Care
Public Health Care for School- Aged Children and their Families
Public Health Care for Working Age Clients and their Families
Public Health Care for the Elderly and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Expecting Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Children and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of School-Age Children, Young People and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Working Age Adults and their Communities
Development of Public Health Nursing
Nursing in Acute Settings
A night at the hospital
3 Working community competence

- is able to operate as a member of a work community
- is able to operate in communicative and interactive situations in working life
- is able to utilize information and communications technology in one’s subject field
- knows the working life in one’s subject field and is able to create personal contacts in working life and to operate in professional networks
- is capable of decision making in unpredicted situations
- is able to apply the principles of organizational management and leadership in working life and has abilities for supervision tasks
- possesses entrepreneurial skills

Communication Skills
ICT Skills
Basics of Entrepreneurship
SeAMK Innovation Week
Introduction to Project Work
As an Expert in the Social and Health Field
Basics of Drug Care
Professional Interaction and Cooperation
The Nurse's Social Competence
Management and Quality Assurance in Social and Health Services
Medical and infectious disease nursing, palliative care and client with disabilities nursing
Surgical, perioperative and gynaecological nursing
Mental Health Nursing and Addiction Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
Maternity Health and Paediatric Nursing
Practice and Outpatient Nursing
Nursing in Acute and Critical Situations
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2
Supervised Clinical Training in Medical or Surgical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Gerontological Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Paediatric Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Outpatient or Acute Nursing -placements
Methods of Health Promotion
Vaccination Skills- basic and advance studies
Breastfeeding Counselling
Social Health Care and Environmental Health Promotion
Public Health Care for an Expecting Family
Child and Family Public Health Care
Public Health Care for School- Aged Children and their Families
Public Health Care for Working Age Clients and their Families
Public Health Care for the Elderly and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Expecting Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Children and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of School-Age Children, Young People and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Working Age Adults and their Communities
Development of Public Health Nursing
English Preparatory Course
A night at the hospital
4 Innovation competence

- is able to conduct research, development and innovation projects applying the existing knowledge and methods of the field
- is able to work in projects
- is capable of creative problem solving and development of working methods
- is able to find customer-oriented, sustainable and profitable solutions

Basics of Entrepreneurship
SeAMK Innovation Week
Introduction to Research and Development
Introduction to Project Work
Evidence-Based Nursing
Research and Development Methods
Bachelor's Thesis Implementation and Reporting
Digitalisation and eHealth in Social and Health Services
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2
Development of Public Health Nursing
5 Internationalization competence

- possesses communicative competence necessary for one’s work and for professional development in the subject field
- is able to operate in a multicultural environment
- takes into account the effects of and opportunities for internationalization development in one’s own field

Career Planning and Internationalisation
Communication Skills
SeAMK Innovation Week
National and Global Health
A night at the hospital
6 Entrepreneurial competence

- Understanding of the interaction involved in the operations in a company and the business environment, and of the concept of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial way of working.
- Understanding of the principles associated with a profitable business, and ability to analyse the operations and risks in a business.

Basics of Entrepreneurship
SeAMK Innovation Week
Introduction to Project Work
Management and Quality Assurance in Social and Health Services
Development of Public Health Nursing
7 Quality control competence

- Knowledge of the typical field-related quality control systems
- Understanding of quality-control and the requirements of quality-control systems.

Bachelor's Thesis Implementation and Reporting
The Nurse's Social Competence
Management and Quality Assurance in Social and Health Services
Digitalisation and eHealth in Social and Health Services
Drug Care and Calculations
Drug and Fluid Care
Development of Public Health Nursing
Not grouped
Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, written
Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, oral
Knowledge Acquisition 2
Bachelor's Thesis Plan
Supervised Clinical Training in the Basics of Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Mental Health Nursing
Multi-Professional and Multicultural Simulations in Home Environment
Introduction to Finnish healthcare

Public Health Nurse competencies

1 Nursing competence

A Bachelor of Health Care, Public Health Nurse:
- bases her or his work on nursing science and neighbouring disciplines when nursing and interacting with patients/clients and their significant others
- is competent in planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing and in professional decision-making based on research and experience
- knows the essential nursing interventions and how to implement them safely

Studying at a University of Applied Sciences
Career Planning and Internationalisation
Communication Skills
ICT Skills
Basics of Entrepreneurship
SeAMK Innovation Week
Introduction to Research and Development
Introduction to Project Work
Basics of Drug Care
Professional Interaction and Cooperation
Ethicality in Nursing
Evidence-Based Nursing
Research and Development Methods
Health-Promoting Nursing and Information Searching 1
National and Global Health
Counselling Patients and Families
The Nurse's Social Competence
Digitalisation and eHealth in Social and Health Services
Drug Care and Calculations
Drug and Fluid Care
Basics of Clinical Nursing 1
Basics of Clinical Nursing 2
First Aid
Radiation protection and radiological and clinical examinations
Medical and infectious disease nursing, palliative care and client with disabilities nursing
Surgical, perioperative and gynaecological nursing
Mental Health Nursing and Addiction Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
Maternity Health and Paediatric Nursing
Practice and Outpatient Nursing
Nursing in Acute and Critical Situations
Medical Subjects in Nursing
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2
Supervised Clinical Training in Medical or Surgical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Gerontological Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Paediatric Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Outpatient or Acute Nursing -placements
Methods of Health Promotion
Vaccination Skills- basic and advance studies
Breastfeeding Counselling
Social Health Care and Environmental Health Promotion
Public Health Care for an Expecting Family
Child and Family Public Health Care
Public Health Care for School- Aged Children and their Families
Public Health Care for Working Age Clients and their Families
Public Health Care for the Elderly and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Expecting Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Children and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of School-Age Children, Young People and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Working Age Adults and their Communities
Development of Public Health Nursing
English Preparatory Course
Nursing in Acute Settings
A night at the hospital
2 Health-promoting public health nursing

A Bachelor of Health Care, Public Health Nurse:
- is capable of developing promotive and preventive public health nursing in various settings
- works for the promotion of public health with the aim of narrowing the health gap between social groups, using foresight information about public health
- is able to analyse evidence-based knowledge in the planning, implementation and evaluation of client-centred health promotion
- bases her/his work on laws that govern public health nursing and on national and international health and social policy documents
- knows how to assess the client's resources and factors that protect and promote the client's health
- helps clients become aware of their resources in health promotion and self-care and promotes their decision-making skills
- is able to detect and support clients, families and communities in need of special support or in risk of social exclusion
-knows how to use outreach methods to promote the health and wellbeing of clients and their families and close communities
- can explain how culture can promote health and wellbeing
- in cooperation with other professionals, supports clients and families from other cultural backgrounds, promoting their health, wellbeing and ability to function
- selects and uses action models and methods which increase the clients' participation on the level of individuals, groups and communities
- in cooperation with other professionals, renews and develops action models and methods of health promotion
- is aware of ethicality and legal issues related to the use of communication technology at work
-in cooperation with other professionals, uses and develops information and communication technology in an innovative, client-centred manner.

Ethicality in Nursing
Evidence-Based Nursing
Health-Promoting Nursing and Information Searching 1
National and Global Health
Counselling Patients and Families
Digitalisation and eHealth in Social and Health Services
Drug Care and Calculations
Drug and Fluid Care
Basics of Clinical Nursing 1
Basics of Clinical Nursing 2
First Aid
Radiation protection and radiological and clinical examinations
Medical and infectious disease nursing, palliative care and client with disabilities nursing
Surgical, perioperative and gynaecological nursing
Mental Health Nursing and Addiction Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
Maternity Health and Paediatric Nursing
Practice and Outpatient Nursing
Nursing in Acute and Critical Situations
Medical Subjects in Nursing
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2
Supervised Clinical Training in Medical or Surgical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Gerontological Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Paediatric Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Outpatient or Acute Nursing -placements
Methods of Health Promotion
Vaccination Skills- basic and advance studies
Breastfeeding Counselling
Social Health Care and Environmental Health Promotion
Public Health Care for an Expecting Family
Child and Family Public Health Care
Public Health Care for School- Aged Children and their Families
Public Health Care for Working Age Clients and their Families
Public Health Care for the Elderly and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Expecting Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Children and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of School-Age Children, Young People and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Working Age Adults and their Communities
Development of Public Health Nursing
3 Public health nursing of individuals, families and communities

A Bachelor of Health Care, Public Health Nurse:
- is able to cousel and support clients on issues pertaining to the couple relationship and family planning
- in cooperation with the family, knows how to plan, implement and evaluate the control and promotion of child-expecting family's health, wellbeing and resources
- is capable of assessing the mother's and fetus's health, recognising risk factors related to pregnancy or childbirth, linking clients with appropriate services if necessary
- is able to handle deliveries, including sudden births
- knows how to plan, implement and evaluate a newborn baby's and the family's need for support and promote their participation
- knows how to plan, implement and evaluate monitoring a small or school-aged child's and a young person's growth and development in cooperation with the clients
- encourages small and school-aged children and young people to make health-promoting choices
- encourages families in parenthood and in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle
- is able to assess small and school-aged children's, young people's and their families' needs for special support and follow-up care
- in cooperation with families and various stakeholders, maintains and promotes a safe growth community and environment
- knows how to plan, implement and evaluate health and function-promoting public health nursing for working-aged adults, workplaces and communities
- is able to explain what the principles of good occupational health services involve
- is able to assess effects of work, work communities and environments on people's health
- knows how to plan, implement and evaluate suggestions for the promotion of clients' (individuals, families, groups, workplaces, work or other communities) health
- knows how to act in multiprofessional work communities and in multiprofessional and -disciplinary networks
- knows how to plan, implement and evaluate public health nursing to promote aged people's health and ability to function
- is able to assess risk factors related to aged people's health, living conditions and life situation, which increase the need for services, and is able to link the clients with the services available
- works in cooperation with aged clients and their families/significant others and makes decisions to promote the clients' health and to ensure them a dignified life
- is able to implement nursing and public health nursing in the client's home

Professional Interaction and Cooperation
Ethicality in Nursing
Evidence-Based Nursing
Health-Promoting Nursing and Information Searching 1
National and Global Health
Digitalisation and eHealth in Social and Health Services
Drug Care and Calculations
Drug and Fluid Care
Basics of Clinical Nursing 1
Basics of Clinical Nursing 2
First Aid
Radiation protection and radiological and clinical examinations
Medical and infectious disease nursing, palliative care and client with disabilities nursing
Surgical, perioperative and gynaecological nursing
Mental Health Nursing and Addiction Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
Maternity Health and Paediatric Nursing
Practice and Outpatient Nursing
Nursing in Acute and Critical Situations
Medical Subjects in Nursing
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2
Supervised Clinical Training in Medical or Surgical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Gerontological Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Paediatric Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Outpatient or Acute Nursing -placements
Methods of Health Promotion
Vaccination Skills- basic and advance studies
Breastfeeding Counselling
Social Health Care and Environmental Health Promotion
Public Health Care for an Expecting Family
Child and Family Public Health Care
Public Health Care for School- Aged Children and their Families
Public Health Care for Working Age Clients and their Families
Public Health Care for the Elderly and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Expecting Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Children and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of School-Age Children, Young People and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Working Age Adults and their Communities
Development of Public Health Nursing
4 Promotion of a healthy and safe environment

A Bachelor of Health Care, Public Health Nurse:
- in her/his work, takes into account environmental factors which promote or jeopardise people's health
- knows how to promote the creation of a healthy, safe, free access environment for clients of all ages
- in special situations and exceptional circumstances, works in collaboration with environmental health services
- is able to prevent accidents in a planned manner and knows how to administer first aid
- applies national and international guidelines and regulations on the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases
- knows how to prevent infectious diseases in Finland and how to nurse and counsel patients on infectious diseases
- implements the national immunisation programme and advises travellers on health issues

Ethicality in Nursing
Health-Promoting Nursing and Information Searching 1
National and Global Health
Digitalisation and eHealth in Social and Health Services
Radiation protection and radiological and clinical examinations
Medical and infectious disease nursing, palliative care and client with disabilities nursing
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2
Methods of Health Promotion
Vaccination Skills- basic and advance studies
Breastfeeding Counselling
Social Health Care and Environmental Health Promotion
Public Health Care for an Expecting Family
Child and Family Public Health Care
Public Health Care for School- Aged Children and their Families
Public Health Care for Working Age Clients and their Families
Public Health Care for the Elderly and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Expecting Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Children and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of School-Age Children, Young People and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Working Age Adults and their Communities
Development of Public Health Nursing
5 Societal public health nursing

A Bachelor of Health Care, Public Health Nurse:
- recognises current challenges in society and acts accordingly, for the benefit of clients in order to promote their health
- knows how to speak for their clients and how to inform them of evidece-based health and wellbeing issues
- participates in national and international discussion on the health and wellbeing of the population
- cooperates with the public, private and third sector
- in cooperation with experts and end users, participates in the developmet of services and products
- develops the quality of public health nursing on the basis of evidence and makes use of quality guidelines
- monitors the development of health service expenditure and the effectiveness of preventive work and early intervention
- is able to offer appropriate services to her/his clients and ensures the continuity of care throughout the services
- knows how to act as an expert of public health nursing in various media

As an Expert in the Social and Health Field
Ethicality in Nursing
Health-Promoting Nursing and Information Searching 1
National and Global Health
The Nurse's Social Competence
Management and Quality Assurance in Social and Health Services
Digitalisation and eHealth in Social and Health Services
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2
Methods of Health Promotion
Vaccination Skills- basic and advance studies
Breastfeeding Counselling
Social Health Care and Environmental Health Promotion
Public Health Care for an Expecting Family
Child and Family Public Health Care
Public Health Care for School- Aged Children and their Families
Public Health Care for Working Age Clients and their Families
Public Health Care for the Elderly and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Expecting Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Children and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of School-Age Children, Young People and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Working Age Adults and their Communities
Development of Public Health Nursing
6 Management and development of public health nursing

A Bachelor of Health Care, Public Health Nurse:
- observes the values and ethical principles of public health nursing and health promotion
- is able to work independently in a responsible and innovative manner in various public health nurse's duties
- evaluates and develops her/his professional competence throughout her/his career to meet worklife challenges
- applies various health and wellbeing strategies in the planning, implementation, evaluation and development of public health nursing
- knows how to work in interprofessional work groups, networks and projects
- is able to lead and manage work groups
- is capable of making decisions in unexpected situations and settings
- develops her/his cooperation skills in the practice, management and development of public health nursing
- is able to explain entrepreneurship options in public health nursing
- is aware of her/his development, innovation and research competence and promotes this competence as an expert of health promotion
- keeps up to date with the latest research findings and development ideas and applies them in her/his work
- is able to develop public health nursing out of her/his own initiative and on the basis of the needs prevailing in society and working life

Evidence-Based Nursing
Research and Development Methods
Bachelor's Thesis Implementation and Reporting
Health-Promoting Nursing and Information Searching 1
National and Global Health
Counselling Patients and Families
Management and Quality Assurance in Social and Health Services
Digitalisation and eHealth in Social and Health Services
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2
Methods of Health Promotion
Vaccination Skills- basic and advance studies
Breastfeeding Counselling
Social Health Care and Environmental Health Promotion
Public Health Care for an Expecting Family
Child and Family Public Health Care
Public Health Care for School- Aged Children and their Families
Public Health Care for Working Age Clients and their Families
Public Health Care for the Elderly and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Expecting Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Children and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of School-Age Children, Young People and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Working Age Adults and their Communities
Development of Public Health Nursing
Not grouped
Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, written
Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, oral
Knowledge Acquisition 2
Bachelor's Thesis Plan
Supervised Clinical Training in the Basics of Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Mental Health Nursing
Multi-Professional and Multicultural Simulations in Home Environment
Introduction to Finnish healthcare

Bachelor’s Degree studies

1 Basic Studies
Studying at a University of Applied Sciences
Career Planning and Internationalisation
Communication Skills
ICT Skills
Basics of Entrepreneurship
SeAMK Innovation Week
Introduction to Research and Development
Introduction to Project Work
As an Expert in the Social and Health Field
Basics of Drug Care
Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, written
Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, oral
2 Professional Studies
Professional Interaction and Cooperation
Ethicality in Nursing
Evidence-Based Nursing
Research and Development Methods
Health-Promoting Nursing and Information Searching 1
National and Global Health
Counselling Patients and Families
The Nurse's Social Competence
Management and Quality Assurance in Social and Health Services
Digitalisation and eHealth in Social and Health Services
Drug Care and Calculations
Drug and Fluid Care
Basics of Clinical Nursing 1
Basics of Clinical Nursing 2
First Aid
Radiation protection and radiological and clinical examinations
Medical and infectious disease nursing, palliative care and client with disabilities nursing
Surgical, perioperative and gynaecological nursing
Mental Health Nursing and Addiction Nursing
Gerontological Nursing
Maternity Health and Paediatric Nursing
Practice and Outpatient Nursing
Nursing in Acute and Critical Situations
Medical Subjects in Nursing
Methods of Health Promotion
Vaccination Skills- basic and advance studies
Breastfeeding Counselling
Social Health Care and Environmental Health Promotion
Public Health Care for an Expecting Family
Child and Family Public Health Care
Public Health Care for School- Aged Children and their Families
Public Health Care for Working Age Clients and their Families
Public Health Care for the Elderly and their Families
3 Free-Choice Studies
English Preparatory Course
Nursing in Acute Settings
A night at the hospital
4 Training
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1
The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2
Supervised Clinical Training in Medical or Surgical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Gerontological Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Paediatric Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Outpatient or Acute Nursing -placements
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Expecting Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Children and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of School-Age Children, Young People and their Families
Practical Training in Public Health Care of Working Age Adults and their Communities
Development of Public Health Nursing
5 Thesis
Bachelor's Thesis Implementation and Reporting
Not grouped
Knowledge Acquisition 2
Bachelor's Thesis Plan
Supervised Clinical Training in the Basics of Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training in Mental Health Nursing
Multi-Professional and Multicultural Simulations in Home Environment
Introduction to Finnish healthcare

Code Name Credits (cr)

(Choose all)

Building competence

(Choose all)

XX00CG82 Studying at a University of Applied Sciences 2
XX00CG83 Career Planning and Internationalisation 2
YP00CE22 Communication Skills 3
YP00CE24 ICT Skills 3
Business and entrepreneurship competence

(Choose all)

XX00CL55 Basics of Entrepreneurship 3
XX00BE91 SeAMK Innovation Week 2
Research and project work skills

(Choose all)

YP00CE30 Introduction to Research and Development 2
YP00CE32 Introduction to Project Work 3

(Choose all)

ST00CE34 As an Expert in the Social and Health Field 2
ST00CE36 Basics of Drug Care 2
TH00CE38 English 3
TH00CE40 Swedish 3
VI00CE42 Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, written 0
VI00CE44 Swedish Skills of the Staff of Public Organizations, oral 0

(Choose all)

Client-Centred Professional Competence

(Choose all)

TH00CE46 Professional Interaction and Cooperation 2
TH00CE48 Ethicality in Nursing 2
Evidence-Based Nursing and Decision-Making

(Choose all)

TH00CE50 Evidence-Based Nursing 3
TH00CE52 Research and Development Methods 3
SHO3B1 Knowledge Acquisition 2 1
BD00CL60 Bachelor's Thesis Plan 5
BD00CE56 Bachelor's Thesis Implementation and Reporting 10
Client and Population-Based Health Promotion

(Choose all)

BD00CE58 Health-Promoting Nursing and Information Searching 1 4
TH00CE60 National and Global Health 2
TH00CE62 Counselling Patients and Families 2
Quality and Safety in Social and Health Services

(Choose all)

BD00BX89 The Nurse's Social Competence 3
SH00BX91 Management and Quality Assurance in Social and Health Services 3
SH00BX93 Digitalisation and eHealth in Social and Health Services 2
Safe Drug and Fluid Care

(Choose all)

SH00BX95 Drug Care and Calculations 3
SH00BX97 Drug and Fluid Care 2
SH00BX99 Pharmacology 3
Asiakaslähtöinen kliininen osaaminen-ihmiskehon rakenne ja otiminta sekä mikrobiologia ja tautioppi

(Choose all)

SH00BY01 Basics of Clinical Nursing 1 4
SH00BY03 Basics of Clinical Nursing 2 4
SH00CF61 First Aid 2
SH00CF65 Radiation protection and radiological and clinical examinations 3
SH00BY05 Medical and infectious disease nursing, palliative care and client with disabilities nursing 5
SH00BY07 Surgical, perioperative and gynaecological nursing 4
SH00BY09 Mental Health Nursing and Addiction Nursing 4
TH00CH56 Gerontological Nursing 2
SH00BY15 Maternity Health and Paediatric Nursing 5
SH00BY13 Practice and Outpatient Nursing 2
SH00BY17 Nursing in Acute and Critical Situations 2
TH00CH55 Medical Subjects in Nursing 5
Practical Training in Clinical Nursing

(Choose all)

BD00CE90 The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 1 1
BD00CE92 The Public Health Nurse's Professional and Career Development 2 1
SH00CJ84 Supervised Clinical Training in the Basics of Clinical Nursing 8
SH00BY33 Supervised Clinical Training in Medical or Surgical Nursing 14
SH00BY43 Supervised Clinical Training in Gerontological Nursing 7
SH00CJ85 Supervised Clinical Training in Mental Health Nursing 7
SH00BY39 Supervised Clinical Training in Paediatric Nursing 8
SH00BY41 Supervised Clinical Training in Outpatient or Acute Nursing -placements 8
Advanced Public Health Nursing Studies

(Choose all)

TH00CH15 Methods of Health Promotion 4
TH00CH17 Vaccination Skills- basic and advance studies 3
TH00CH18 Breastfeeding Counselling 2
TH00CH19 Social Health Care and Environmental Health Promotion 2
TH00CH20 Public Health Care for an Expecting Family 5
TH00CH21 Child and Family Public Health Care 4
TH00CH22 Public Health Care for School- Aged Children and their Families 3
TH00CH23 Public Health Care for Working Age Clients and their Families 5
TH00CH24 Public Health Care for the Elderly and their Families 2
Practical Training in Public Health Nursing

(Choose all)

BD00CF24 Practical Training in Public Health Care of Expecting Families 10
BD00CF26 Practical Training in Public Health Care of Children and their Families 5
TH00CF28 Practical Training in Public Health Care of School-Age Children, Young People and their Families 5
TH00CF30 Practical Training in Public Health Care of Working Age Adults and their Communities 5
TH00CF32 Development of Public Health Nursing 5

(Choose ects: 4)

KG00CF34 English Preparatory Course 2
KG00CF36 Nursing in Acute Settings 2
BD00CF38 A night at the hospital 2
BB00DE55 Multi-Professional and Multicultural Simulations in Home Environment 2
XX00DN99 Introduction to Finnish healthcare 3
Multidisciplinary working-life projects

(Choose all)