Working Life EnglishLaajuus (3 op)
Tunnus: AE00CW60
The students can describe their own education both orally and in writing.
The students are familiar with the job application process and the related vocabulary.
The students recognize the different levels of formality and are able to use formal style in professional communication.
The students can communicate politely and professionally both on the phone and when writing emails.
The students are familiar with the vocabulary related to meetings and negotiations.
The students are able to give presentations on field related topics.
The students know the most central vocabulary of their field of education and are able to use it both orally and in writing
- effective communication
- customer contacts
- presentations
- field-related terminology
- education and work
- meetings and negotiations
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
There are lots of major errors in the student's written expression and problems with the fluency of text. Their text is simple but coherent and intelligible. There are lots of mistakes and mispronunciations in the student's oral expression and the pronunciation differs from that of the target language. Despite the problems, the message is mainly intelligible. If the text is read directly from written notes or slides, the maximum grade is 1 to 2. The students masters the basic vocabulary and key grammatical structures in a limited way.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
There are some minor errors in the student's written expression, but the message is still conveyed without problems. Their text is fluent and consistent, as well as written using basic structures correctly. There are some mispronunciations and grammatical errors in the student's oral expression, but they do not disturb the conveying of the message. Good, fluent basic language skills, presented relatively spontaneously, yet based to some extent on notes. Hesitation slows down the student's speech. The students masters the basic vocabulary and field-specific vocabulary quite well. The student uses key grammatical structures quite faultlessly.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student's written expression is faultless, very fluent, and the student pays attention to stylistic matters required by professional-life communication situations. They also use complex syntactic structures in their text. There are no mistakes in oral expression; the student's pronunciation is authentic and their speed of speech is appropriate. Overall, their speech is spontaneous, fluent narration, which the listener can easily follow. The student reacts in an adequate way in interactive situations. The students masters a large vocabulary and uses grammatical structures fluently and in a varied way.
- Isaacs, Pesso, Rasimus, Rönkä: Engineer Your English. Edita. Latest edition.
- Other material as indicaed by the teacher
Prerequisite: English studies at an upper secondary school or corresponding knowledge gained otherwise.
11.11.2024 - 19.02.2025
03.03.2025 - 27.04.2025
3 op
VANHENNETTU SeAMK Bio- ja elintarviketekniikka sekä restonomi
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami
- Englanti
- Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
- Riikka Ala-Sankila
AFE24Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-Food Engineering , full time studies
The students can describe their own education both orally and in writing.
The students are familiar with the job application process and the related vocabulary.
The students recognize the different levels of formality and are able to use formal style in professional communication.
The students can communicate politely and professionally both on the phone and when writing emails.
The students are familiar with the vocabulary related to meetings and negotiations.
The students are able to give presentations on field related topics.
The students know the most central vocabulary of their field of education and are able to use it both orally and in writing
- effective communication
- customer contacts
- presentations
- field-related terminology
- education and work
- meetings and negotiations
- Isaacs, Pesso, Rasimus, Rönkä: Engineer Your English. Edita. Latest edition.
- Other material as indicaed by the teacher
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
80 h
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
There are lots of major errors in the student's written expression and problems with the fluency of text. Their text is simple but coherent and intelligible. There are lots of mistakes and mispronunciations in the student's oral expression and the pronunciation differs from that of the target language. Despite the problems, the message is mainly intelligible. If the text is read directly from written notes or slides, the maximum grade is 1 to 2. The students masters the basic vocabulary and key grammatical structures in a limited way.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
There are some minor errors in the student's written expression, but the message is still conveyed without problems. Their text is fluent and consistent, as well as written using basic structures correctly. There are some mispronunciations and grammatical errors in the student's oral expression, but they do not disturb the conveying of the message. Good, fluent basic language skills, presented relatively spontaneously, yet based to some extent on notes. Hesitation slows down the student's speech. The students masters the basic vocabulary and field-specific vocabulary quite well. The student uses key grammatical structures quite faultlessly.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student's written expression is faultless, very fluent, and the student pays attention to stylistic matters required by professional-life communication situations. They also use complex syntactic structures in their text. There are no mistakes in oral expression; the student's pronunciation is authentic and their speed of speech is appropriate. Overall, their speech is spontaneous, fluent narration, which the listener can easily follow. The student reacts in an adequate way in interactive situations. The students masters a large vocabulary and uses grammatical structures fluently and in a varied way.
Hylätty (0)
suullinen ja kirjallinen koe
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Kirjallisessa tuotoksessa esiintyy paljon isojakin virheitä ja tekstin sujuvuudessa on ongelmia. Teksti on yksinkertaista, mutta yhtenäistä ja ymmärrettävää.
Suullisessa esityksessä esiintyy paljon virheitä, ääntämys poikkeaa osin kohdekielestä. Ongelmista huolimatta viesti on kuitenkin pääosin ymmärrettävissä. Mikäli suullinen esitys on suoraan luettu muistiinpanoista tai dioista tai voi epäillä tekoälyn tuottamaksi, arvosana on 0.
Opiskelija hallitsee tavallisimman sanaston ja kieliopin perusrakenteet yksipuolisesti.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Kirjallinen tuotos sisältää jonkin verran pienehköjä virheitä, mutta viesti välittyy niistä huolimatta ongelmitta. Sujuva, johdonmukainen teksti, joka on kirjoitettu perusrakenteita oikein käyttäen.
Suullisessa esityksessä esiintyy jonkin verran ääntämis- ja/tai kielioppivirheitä, mutta ne eivät häiritse viestin välittymistä. Hyvä, sujuva peruskielitaito, Jokseenkin vapaasti, vaikkakin paikon muistiinpanojen varassa esitetty. Epäröinti hidastaa puhetta.
Opiskelija hallitsee oman alan ja yleiskielen sanaston kohtalaisesti. Opiskelija käyttää perusrakenteita melko virheettömästi.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Kirjallinen tuotos on virheetöntä, erittäin luontevaa ja huomiota on kiinnitetty myös ammattielämän viestintätilanteiden vaatimiin kielellisiin tyyliseikkoihin. Tekstissä hyödynnetään sujuvasti vaativiakin lauserakenteita.
Suullisessa esityksessä ei esiinny virheitä, ääntäminen on luontevaa ja puhetahti on sopiva. Kaiken kaikkiaan puhe on vapaata, sujuvaa kerrontaa, jota kuuntelijan on helppo seurata. Opiskelija reagoi asianmukaisesti vuorovaikutustilanteessa.
Opiskelija hallitsee laajan sanaston ja käyttää rakenteita sujuvasti ja monipuolisesti.
Prerequisite: English studies at an upper secondary school or corresponding knowledge gained otherwise.
11.11.2024 - 15.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 23.02.2025
3 op
SeAMK Automaatio- ja tietotekniikka
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami
- Englanti
- Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
- Riikka Ala-Sankila
AE24Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
The students can describe their own education both orally and in writing.
The students are familiar with the job application process and the related vocabulary.
The students recognize the different levels of formality and are able to use formal style in professional communication.
The students can communicate politely and professionally both on the phone and when writing emails.
The students are familiar with the vocabulary related to meetings and negotiations.
The students are able to give presentations on field related topics.
The students know the most central vocabulary of their field of education and are able to use it both orally and in writing
- effective communication
- customer contacts
- presentations
- field-related terminology
- education and work
- meetings and negotiations
Isaacs, Pesso, Rasimus, Rönkä: Engineer Your English. Edita. Latest edition.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
81 h
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Läsnäolovelvollisuus kontaktitunneilla
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
There are lots of major errors in the student's written expression and problems with the fluency of text. Their text is simple but coherent and intelligible. There are lots of mistakes and mispronunciations in the student's oral expression and the pronunciation differs from that of the target language. Despite the problems, the message is mainly intelligible. If the text is read directly from written notes or slides, the maximum grade is 1 to 2. The students masters the basic vocabulary and key grammatical structures in a limited way.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
There are some minor errors in the student's written expression, but the message is still conveyed without problems. Their text is fluent and consistent, as well as written using basic structures correctly. There are some mispronunciations and grammatical errors in the student's oral expression, but they do not disturb the conveying of the message. Good, fluent basic language skills, presented relatively spontaneously, yet based to some extent on notes. Hesitation slows down the student's speech. The students masters the basic vocabulary and field-specific vocabulary quite well. The student uses key grammatical structures quite faultlessly.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student's written expression is faultless, very fluent, and the student pays attention to stylistic matters required by professional-life communication situations. They also use complex syntactic structures in their text. There are no mistakes in oral expression; the student's pronunciation is authentic and their speed of speech is appropriate. Overall, their speech is spontaneous, fluent narration, which the listener can easily follow. The student reacts in an adequate way in interactive situations. The students masters a large vocabulary and uses grammatical structures fluently and in a varied way.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Suullinen ja kirjallinen koe
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Kirjallisessa tuotoksessa esiintyy paljon isojakin virheitä ja tekstin sujuvuudessa on ongelmia. Teksti on yksinkertaista, mutta yhtenäistä ja ymmärrettävää.
Suullisessa esityksessä esiintyy paljon virheitä, ääntämys poikkeaa osin kohdekielestä. Ongelmista huolimatta viesti on kuitenkin pääosin ymmärrettävissä. Mikäli suullinen esitys on suoraan luettu muistiinpanoista tai dioista tai voi epäillä tekoälyn tuottamaksi, arvosana on 0.
Opiskelija hallitsee tavallisimman sanaston ja kieliopin perusrakenteet yksipuolisesti.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Kirjallinen tuotos sisältää jonkin verran pienehköjä virheitä, mutta viesti välittyy niistä huolimatta ongelmitta. Sujuva, johdonmukainen teksti, joka on kirjoitettu perusrakenteita oikein käyttäen.
Suullisessa esityksessä esiintyy jonkin verran ääntämis- ja/tai kielioppivirheitä, mutta ne eivät häiritse viestin välittymistä. Hyvä, sujuva peruskielitaito, Jokseenkin vapaasti, vaikkakin paikon muistiinpanojen varassa esitetty. Epäröinti hidastaa puhetta.
Opiskelija hallitsee oman alan ja yleiskielen sanaston kohtalaisesti. Opiskelija käyttää perusrakenteita melko virheettömästi.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Kirjallinen tuotos on virheetöntä, erittäin luontevaa ja huomiota on kiinnitetty myös ammattielämän viestintätilanteiden vaatimiin kielellisiin tyyliseikkoihin. Tekstissä hyödynnetään sujuvasti vaativiakin lauserakenteita.
Suullisessa esityksessä ei esiinny virheitä, ääntäminen on luontevaa ja puhetahti on sopiva. Kaiken kaikkiaan puhe on vapaata, sujuvaa kerrontaa, jota kuuntelijan on helppo seurata. Opiskelija reagoi asianmukaisesti vuorovaikutustilanteessa.
Opiskelija hallitsee laajan sanaston ja käyttää rakenteita sujuvasti ja monipuolisesti.
Prerequisite: English studies at an upper secondary school or corresponding knowledge gained otherwise.
13.11.2023 - 21.02.2024
04.03.2024 - 28.04.2024
3 op
SeAMK Automaatio- ja tietotekniikka
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami
- Englanti
- Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
- Riikka Ala-Sankila
AE23Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
The students can describe their own education both orally and in writing.
The students are familiar with the job application process and the related vocabulary.
The students recognize the different levels of formality and are able to use formal style in professional communication.
The students can communicate politely and professionally both on the phone and when writing emails.
The students are familiar with the vocabulary related to meetings and negotiations.
The students are able to give presentations on field related topics.
The students know the most central vocabulary of their field of education and are able to use it both orally and in writing
- effective communication
- customer contacts
- presentations
- field-related terminology
- education and work
- meetings and negotiations
Isaacs, Pesso, Rasimus, Rönkä: Engineer Your English. Edita. Latest edition.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
81 h
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Läsnäolovelvollisuus kontaktitunneilla
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
There are lots of major errors in the student's written expression and problems with the fluency of text. Their text is simple but coherent and intelligible. There are lots of mistakes and mispronunciations in the student's oral expression and the pronunciation differs from that of the target language. Despite the problems, the message is mainly intelligible. If the text is read directly from written notes or slides, the maximum grade is 1 to 2. The students masters the basic vocabulary and key grammatical structures in a limited way.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
There are some minor errors in the student's written expression, but the message is still conveyed without problems. Their text is fluent and consistent, as well as written using basic structures correctly. There are some mispronunciations and grammatical errors in the student's oral expression, but they do not disturb the conveying of the message. Good, fluent basic language skills, presented relatively spontaneously, yet based to some extent on notes. Hesitation slows down the student's speech. The students masters the basic vocabulary and field-specific vocabulary quite well. The student uses key grammatical structures quite faultlessly.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student's written expression is faultless, very fluent, and the student pays attention to stylistic matters required by professional-life communication situations. They also use complex syntactic structures in their text. There are no mistakes in oral expression; the student's pronunciation is authentic and their speed of speech is appropriate. Overall, their speech is spontaneous, fluent narration, which the listener can easily follow. The student reacts in an adequate way in interactive situations. The students masters a large vocabulary and uses grammatical structures fluently and in a varied way.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Suullinen ja kirjallinen koe
Prerequisite: English studies at an upper secondary school or corresponding knowledge gained otherwise.
13.11.2023 - 21.02.2024
08.01.2024 - 28.04.2024
3 op
VANHENNETTU SeAMK Bio- ja elintarviketekniikka sekä restonomi
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami
- Englanti
- Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
- Riikka Ala-Sankila
AFE23Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-Food Engineering , full time studies
The students can describe their own education both orally and in writing.
The students are familiar with the job application process and the related vocabulary.
The students recognize the different levels of formality and are able to use formal style in professional communication.
The students can communicate politely and professionally both on the phone and when writing emails.
The students are familiar with the vocabulary related to meetings and negotiations.
The students are able to give presentations on field related topics.
The students know the most central vocabulary of their field of education and are able to use it both orally and in writing
- effective communication
- customer contacts
- presentations
- field-related terminology
- education and work
- meetings and negotiations
Isaacs, Pesso, Rasimus, Rönkä: Engineer Your English. Edita. Latest edition.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
81 h
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Läsnäolovelvollisuus kontaktitunneilla
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
There are lots of major errors in the student's written expression and problems with the fluency of text. Their text is simple but coherent and intelligible. There are lots of mistakes and mispronunciations in the student's oral expression and the pronunciation differs from that of the target language. Despite the problems, the message is mainly intelligible. If the text is read directly from written notes or slides, the maximum grade is 1 to 2. The students masters the basic vocabulary and key grammatical structures in a limited way.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
There are some minor errors in the student's written expression, but the message is still conveyed without problems. Their text is fluent and consistent, as well as written using basic structures correctly. There are some mispronunciations and grammatical errors in the student's oral expression, but they do not disturb the conveying of the message. Good, fluent basic language skills, presented relatively spontaneously, yet based to some extent on notes. Hesitation slows down the student's speech. The students masters the basic vocabulary and field-specific vocabulary quite well. The student uses key grammatical structures quite faultlessly.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student's written expression is faultless, very fluent, and the student pays attention to stylistic matters required by professional-life communication situations. They also use complex syntactic structures in their text. There are no mistakes in oral expression; the student's pronunciation is authentic and their speed of speech is appropriate. Overall, their speech is spontaneous, fluent narration, which the listener can easily follow. The student reacts in an adequate way in interactive situations. The students masters a large vocabulary and uses grammatical structures fluently and in a varied way.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Suullinen esitys ja kirjallinen koe
Prerequisite: English studies at an upper secondary school or corresponding knowledge gained otherwise.
14.11.2022 - 22.02.2023
06.03.2023 - 30.04.2023
3 op
SeAMK Automaatio- ja tietotekniikka
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami
- Englanti
- Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
- Riikka Ala-Sankila
AE22ABachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
The students can describe their own education both orally and in writing.
The students are familiar with the job application process and the related vocabulary.
The students recognize the different levels of formality and are able to use formal style in professional communication.
The students can communicate politely and professionally both on the phone and when writing emails.
The students are familiar with the vocabulary related to meetings and negotiations.
The students are able to give presentations on field related topics.
The students know the most central vocabulary of their field of education and are able to use it both orally and in writing
- effective communication
- customer contacts
- presentations
- field-related terminology
- education and work
- meetings and negotiations
Isaacs, Pesso, Rasimus, Rönkä: Engineer Your English. Edita. Latest edition.
Other material on Moodle as indicated by the teacher
Luennot, itsenäiset tehtävät
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Luennot 28 h ja itsenäiset tehtävät.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
There are lots of major errors in the student's written expression and problems with the fluency of text. Their text is simple but coherent and intelligible. There are lots of mistakes and mispronunciations in the student's oral expression and the pronunciation differs from that of the target language. Despite the problems, the message is mainly intelligible. If the text is read directly from written notes or slides, the maximum grade is 1 to 2. The students masters the basic vocabulary and key grammatical structures in a limited way.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
There are some minor errors in the student's written expression, but the message is still conveyed without problems. Their text is fluent and consistent, as well as written using basic structures correctly. There are some mispronunciations and grammatical errors in the student's oral expression, but they do not disturb the conveying of the message. Good, fluent basic language skills, presented relatively spontaneously, yet based to some extent on notes. Hesitation slows down the student's speech. The students masters the basic vocabulary and field-specific vocabulary quite well. The student uses key grammatical structures quite faultlessly.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student's written expression is faultless, very fluent, and the student pays attention to stylistic matters required by professional-life communication situations. They also use complex syntactic structures in their text. There are no mistakes in oral expression; the student's pronunciation is authentic and their speed of speech is appropriate. Overall, their speech is spontaneous, fluent narration, which the listener can easily follow. The student reacts in an adequate way in interactive situations. The students masters a large vocabulary and uses grammatical structures fluently and in a varied way.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Suullinen ja kirjallinen koe kurssin lopussa. Läsnäolo tunneilla 80%.
Prerequisite: English studies at an upper secondary school or corresponding knowledge gained otherwise.
14.11.2022 - 22.02.2023
06.03.2023 - 30.04.2023
3 op
Virtuaaliosuus (op)
3 op
VANHENNETTU SeAMK Bio- ja elintarviketekniikka sekä restonomi
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami
- Englanti
16 - 30
- Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
- Helena Myllymäki
- Maija Varpula
- Neil Mac Laverty
- Small group 1 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
- Small group 2 (Koko: 0. Avoin AMK: 0.)
AFE22BBachelor of Engineering, Agri-Food Engineering, full time studies
- Small group 1
- Small group 2
The students can describe their own education both orally and in writing.
The students are familiar with the job application process and the related vocabulary.
The students recognize the different levels of formality and are able to use formal style in professional communication.
The students can communicate politely and professionally both on the phone and when writing emails.
The students are familiar with the vocabulary related to meetings and negotiations.
The students are able to give presentations on field related topics.
The students know the most central vocabulary of their field of education and are able to use it both orally and in writing
- effective communication
- customer contacts
- presentations
- field-related terminology
- education and work
- meetings and negotiations
Isaacs, Pesso, Rasimus, Rönkä: Engineer Your English. Edita. Latest edition.
Other material on Moodle as indicated by the teacher
Suulliset ja kirjalliset harjoitukset, itsenäinen opiskelu
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
81 t.
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Aktiivinen osallistuminen kontaktiopetukseen 80%.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
There are lots of major errors in the student's written expression and problems with the fluency of text. Their text is simple but coherent and intelligible. There are lots of mistakes and mispronunciations in the student's oral expression and the pronunciation differs from that of the target language. Despite the problems, the message is mainly intelligible. If the text is read directly from written notes or slides, the maximum grade is 1 to 2. The students masters the basic vocabulary and key grammatical structures in a limited way.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
There are some minor errors in the student's written expression, but the message is still conveyed without problems. Their text is fluent and consistent, as well as written using basic structures correctly. There are some mispronunciations and grammatical errors in the student's oral expression, but they do not disturb the conveying of the message. Good, fluent basic language skills, presented relatively spontaneously, yet based to some extent on notes. Hesitation slows down the student's speech. The students masters the basic vocabulary and field-specific vocabulary quite well. The student uses key grammatical structures quite faultlessly.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student's written expression is faultless, very fluent, and the student pays attention to stylistic matters required by professional-life communication situations. They also use complex syntactic structures in their text. There are no mistakes in oral expression; the student's pronunciation is authentic and their speed of speech is appropriate. Overall, their speech is spontaneous, fluent narration, which the listener can easily follow. The student reacts in an adequate way in interactive situations. The students masters a large vocabulary and uses grammatical structures fluently and in a varied way.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Suullinen ja kirjallinen koe kurssin lopussa.
Prerequisite: English studies at an upper secondary school or corresponding knowledge gained otherwise.
14.11.2022 - 22.02.2023
06.03.2023 - 30.04.2023
3 op
Virtuaaliosuus (op)
3 op
SeAMK Automaatio- ja tietotekniikka
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami
- Englanti
- Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
- Maija Varpula
AE22BBachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering, remote
The students can describe their own education both orally and in writing.
The students are familiar with the job application process and the related vocabulary.
The students recognize the different levels of formality and are able to use formal style in professional communication.
The students can communicate politely and professionally both on the phone and when writing emails.
The students are familiar with the vocabulary related to meetings and negotiations.
The students are able to give presentations on field related topics.
The students know the most central vocabulary of their field of education and are able to use it both orally and in writing
- effective communication
- customer contacts
- presentations
- field-related terminology
- education and work
- meetings and negotiations
Aika ja paikka
Isaacs, Pesso, Rasimus, Rönkä: Engineer Your English. Edita. Latest edition.
Other material on Moodle as indicated by the teacher
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Oppitunnit 28h ja itsenäiset tehtävät
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
There are lots of major errors in the student's written expression and problems with the fluency of text. Their text is simple but coherent and intelligible. There are lots of mistakes and mispronunciations in the student's oral expression and the pronunciation differs from that of the target language. Despite the problems, the message is mainly intelligible. If the text is read directly from written notes or slides, the maximum grade is 1 to 2. The students masters the basic vocabulary and key grammatical structures in a limited way.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
There are some minor errors in the student's written expression, but the message is still conveyed without problems. Their text is fluent and consistent, as well as written using basic structures correctly. There are some mispronunciations and grammatical errors in the student's oral expression, but they do not disturb the conveying of the message. Good, fluent basic language skills, presented relatively spontaneously, yet based to some extent on notes. Hesitation slows down the student's speech. The students masters the basic vocabulary and field-specific vocabulary quite well. The student uses key grammatical structures quite faultlessly.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student's written expression is faultless, very fluent, and the student pays attention to stylistic matters required by professional-life communication situations. They also use complex syntactic structures in their text. There are no mistakes in oral expression; the student's pronunciation is authentic and their speed of speech is appropriate. Overall, their speech is spontaneous, fluent narration, which the listener can easily follow. The student reacts in an adequate way in interactive situations. The students masters a large vocabulary and uses grammatical structures fluently and in a varied way.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Suullinen ja kirjallinen koe kurssin lopussa. Läsnäolo oppitunneilla 80%.
Prerequisite: English studies at an upper secondary school or corresponding knowledge gained otherwise.
14.11.2022 - 15.01.2023
09.01.2023 - 30.04.2023
3 op
VANHENNETTU SeAMK Bio- ja elintarviketekniikka sekä restonomi
- Englanti
- Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
- Riikka Ala-Sankila
AFE22ABachelor of Engineering, Agri-Food Engineering, full time studies
The students can describe their own education both orally and in writing.
The students are familiar with the job application process and the related vocabulary.
The students recognize the different levels of formality and are able to use formal style in professional communication.
The students can communicate politely and professionally both on the phone and when writing emails.
The students are familiar with the vocabulary related to meetings and negotiations.
The students are able to give presentations on field related topics.
The students know the most central vocabulary of their field of education and are able to use it both orally and in writing
- effective communication
- customer contacts
- presentations
- field-related terminology
- education and work
- meetings and negotiations
Isaacs, Pesso, Rasimus, Rönkä: Engineer Your English. Edita. Latest edition.
Other material on Moodle as indicated by the teacher
Suulliset ja kirjalliset harjoitukset, itsenäinen opiskelu
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
81 t.
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Aktiivinen osallistuminen kontaktiopetukseen 80%.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
There are lots of major errors in the student's written expression and problems with the fluency of text. Their text is simple but coherent and intelligible. There are lots of mistakes and mispronunciations in the student's oral expression and the pronunciation differs from that of the target language. Despite the problems, the message is mainly intelligible. If the text is read directly from written notes or slides, the maximum grade is 1 to 2. The students masters the basic vocabulary and key grammatical structures in a limited way.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
There are some minor errors in the student's written expression, but the message is still conveyed without problems. Their text is fluent and consistent, as well as written using basic structures correctly. There are some mispronunciations and grammatical errors in the student's oral expression, but they do not disturb the conveying of the message. Good, fluent basic language skills, presented relatively spontaneously, yet based to some extent on notes. Hesitation slows down the student's speech. The students masters the basic vocabulary and field-specific vocabulary quite well. The student uses key grammatical structures quite faultlessly.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student's written expression is faultless, very fluent, and the student pays attention to stylistic matters required by professional-life communication situations. They also use complex syntactic structures in their text. There are no mistakes in oral expression; the student's pronunciation is authentic and their speed of speech is appropriate. Overall, their speech is spontaneous, fluent narration, which the listener can easily follow. The student reacts in an adequate way in interactive situations. The students masters a large vocabulary and uses grammatical structures fluently and in a varied way.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Suullinen ja kirjallinen koe kurssin lopussa.
Prerequisite: English studies at an upper secondary school or corresponding knowledge gained otherwise.