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Developing Library Services (4 cr)

Code: 4A00CW05-3004

General information


11.11.2024 - 07.01.2025


07.01.2025 - 18.05.2025


4 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

4 op

Teaching languages

  • Finnish

Degree programmes

  • Bachelor of Business Administration, Library and Information Services


  • Satu Salmela

Student groups

  • KTDIPL24
    Kirjasto- ja tietopalvelualan korkeakouludiplomi


The student be able to:
- explain how to plan, evaluate and develop library services
- presents concepts connected with projects
- present tasks connected with the different phases of the project cycle


- anticipation of the future
- strategic planning process
- evaluation of the quality and impact of library services
- knowledge management as a support for development
- projects as tools for development


It will be announced at the start of the study period by topic.

Recommended reading e.g.

Hyötyä, tietoa, elämyksiä – kirjastojen vaikuttavuuden ulottuvuuksia. 2016. Helsinki: Kuntaliitto. (myös painettuna)

Listenmaa, J. (2023). Laita tieto töihin: Tiedolla johtamisen käsikirja. Alma Talent.

Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön kulttuuripolitiikan strategia 2025. (2017). Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriö.

SFS-ISO 16439:2016 Tieto ja dokumentointi. Kirjastojen vaikuttavuuden arvioinnin menetelmät ja toimenpiteet. Saatavissa: SeAmkin e-kirjastosta SFS Online -standardien kautta.

Tienari, J. & Harviainen, J. T. (2020). Strategiaopas kuntien päättäjille: Osallista ja hallitse. Alma Talent.

Tietojohtamisen käsikirja. 2020. Kirjastojen tietojohtamisen verkosto. Saatavana:

Teaching methods

Online lectures and/or recordings.
Expert guests.
Lesson assignments and exercises.
Ideation and preparation of the project plan in small groups/pair work.

Employer connections

During the episode, expert guests from working life. In the exercises of the course, authentic case examples from working life are used.

Exam schedules

No exam.

Student workload

The total amount of work is about 108 hours. Of this, joint online meetings about 8 t, expert guests about 8 t, online recordings 10-12 t. Project training, project presentations and feedback about 4 t. The rest of the course resource is independent work: familiarization with the materials, searching for information, independent study, familiarization with the different areas of the project and working on the project task.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

Satisfactory 1-2
the student
- has participated sufficiently as instructed
- can identify methods for forecasting the future
- understand the meaning of strategic planning
- can present some methods and tools for service planning and development
can give a presentation about the development and evaluation of library services
- knows how to evaluate library services

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- the student has participated actively
- can present methods for forecasting the future
- can plan strategic development
- can present methods and tools for service planning and development
- nows how to evaluate library services and identify development targets

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- the student has participated actively and constructively
- can apply methods for forecasting the future
- has ability for strategic planning and can apply it to practice
- can present methods and tools for service planning and development
- nows how to evaluate library services both qualitatively and quantitatively and create development plans

Assessment methods and criteria

Participation in course work.
Active participation in the work that is the basis of the evaluation and returning the work according to the schedule
Written and oral learning tasks alone and in groups
Preparation of the project plan, its presentation in small groups and peer evaluation.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

the student
- has participated sufficiently as instructed
- can identify methods for forecasting the future
- understand the meaning of strategic planning
- can present some methods and tools for service planning and development
can give a presentation about the development and evaluation of library services
- knows how to evaluate library services

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

- the student has participated actively
- can present methods for forecasting the future
- can plan strategic development
- can present methods and tools for service planning and development
- nows how to evaluate library services and identify development targets

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

- the student has participated actively and constructively
- can apply methods for forecasting the future
- has ability for strategic planning and can apply it to practice
- can present methods and tools for service planning and development
- nows how to evaluate library services both qualitatively and quantitatively and create development plans