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Clinical Training in Mental Health Nursing (6 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: BA00CP50-3002

Toteutuksen perustiedot


25.03.2024 - 18.08.2024


07.10.2024 - 03.11.2024


6 op


SeAMK Nursing


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo


  • Englanti


  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing


  • Minna Laitila


  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student
- is able to implement multi-professional mental health nursing while taking into consideration the patient's age, growth and development stage, the requirements of ethicality and the care and service setting.
- knows how to assess the resources of mental health patients and families from different cultural backgrounds and how to support them in the planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing care.
- plans, implements and evaluates interventions for mental health clients/patients and their families, who face common health changes and/or problems and/or crises.
- is competent in documentation and oral reporting.
- uses evidence-based interventions to help, support and counsel mental health clients/ patients and family members.
- knows how to plan and safely implement and evaluate drug care for mental health clients/patients.
- knows how to support and promote mental health patients' and families' health and ability to function.
- is able to counsel and support patients and families in self-care.


Practical training in clinical nursing environment that allows training in mental health nursing settings. Electronic Drug Care Certificate. Assignments.


Opettajan ohjeistama materiaali


Ohjattu harjoittelu kliininen harjoittelu
Harjoittelun info ja reflektio

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

1op = 27h opiskelijan työtä



Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty

Fail =0
The student
- is not adequately interested and competent in using the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- cannot adequately explain his/ her actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately able to apply the professional competence to client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not adequately use a client-centered approach or observe patient safety in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not adequately capable of professional decision-making.
- does not adequately take into account safety or the ethical principles of the profession.
- is not adequately prepared to contribute to the development of client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not follow Finnish working life rules.
- does not participate in evaluation discussion

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

Harjoittelun ja siihen liittyvien tehtävien suorittaminen


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Medication management and drug calculations
Medication and fluid care I

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing
Clinical training in long term nursing


It is possible that in these clinical training environments may also be under-aged patients. Therefore, the student must show criminal record certificate before starting this training.
The criminal record certification is shown to Head of DP in Nursing two weeks before training starts.