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International Nutrition Health Promotion (3 op)

Toteutuksen tunnus: CA00DA05-3001

Toteutuksen perustiedot


11.10.2021 - 19.12.2021


01.02.2022 - 31.05.2022


3 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

2 op


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami


  • Suomi
  • Englanti


1 - 10


  • Restonomi (AMK), Ravitsemispalvelut


  • Kaija Nissinen


Kaija Nissinen


The student is familiar with the national and international environment of health promotion. He/she is also able to analyze the environment where health promotion projects are carried out. He/she can view nutrition health promotion from theoretical perspectives. The student's health promotion planning and analysis skills evolve. She/he can analyse the structure, the elements and the content of the health promotion projects and compare them internationally. Student participates in the international project in which the nutrition health promotion tasks are analyzed, estimated and developed internationally. Her/his international and cultural understanding skills improves.


- intercultural dimensions
- national and international challenges in health and health promotion
- nutrition health promotion project work where health promotion projects are analyzed, estimated and developed


Ilmoitetaan opintojakson alkaessa


lähiopetus (hybridi)
itsenäinen työskentely ja kansainvälinen ryhmätyöskentely
intensiiviviikko vko 17/2022 Belgiassa (pakollinen osallistuminen)


Kurssi toteutetaan kansainvälisenä yhteistyönä.

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

81 h, josta
etä- tai kontaktiopetusta 10 h
intensiiviviikko 40 h
itsenäistä opiskelua ja ryhmätyöskentelyä 31 h

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Opintojakso sisältää yhteistä opiskelua ja tehtäviin valmentautumista Suomessa, ja kansainvälisiä ryhmätapaamisia ja ryhmäopiskelua verkossa. Opintojaksolla on SeAMK opiskleijoiden lisäksi opiskelijoita Belgiasta ja Espanjasta. Opintojakso huipentuu yhteiseen intensiiviiikkoon Belgiassa 25-29.4.2022 (pakollinen läsnäolo). Varaa myös matkapäivät. Opiskelija saa kurssiin ERASMUS-rahoitusta.



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student can give examples of main health concerns in international level and compare them with national issues. The student can take part and analyze nutrition health promotion projects in co-operation with international partners. The student can analyze challenges, relate it is some respects to already known, is able to search information and integrate it to generate some solutions. The student builds up a in some respect quality reasoning in a group, has his/her own input, has respect for the input of others and proposes solutions. Student shows interest to the field of the course. He can only in some case follow instructions and operate on schedule.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student can name main health concerns in international level and compare them with national issues. The student can analyze and develop nutrition health promotion projects in co-operation with international partners. The student can analyze challenges, relate it to already known, is able to search information and integrate it to generate solutions. The student builds up a quality reasoning in a group, has his/her own input, has respect for the input of others and proposes constructive solutions. He/she demonstrates insight and analysis capacity in his own work. He can mainly follow the instructions and can operate on schedule.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student can define main health concerns in international level and compare them with national issues. The student can analyze, strengthen, and develop nutrition health promotion projects in co-operation with international partners. The student can analyze challenges, relate it to already known, is bale to search information and integrate it to generate creative solutions. The student builds up a quality reasoning in a group, has his own active input, has respect for the input of others and proposes constructive solutions. He/she demonstrates insight and analysis capacity in his own work. He/she can follow the instructions and can operate exactly during the process on schedule.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

itse- ja vertaisarviointi


Elintarvikkeet ja ravitsemus (restonomiopiskelijat)
Ravitsemuspassi (muut kuin restonomiopiskelijat) tai oman tutkinto-ohjelman ravitsemusopinnot