Assessing Patient's Vital FunctionsLaajuus (2 op)
Tunnus: BA00DA71
The student is able to assess the resources of patients and their next-of-kin coming from different cultural backgrounds. In addition, the student is able to take this assessment into consideration when planning, implementing and evaluating the nursing care. The student is able to respond to the need of treatment by evidence-based methods of nursing care. Furthermore, the student can evaluate and prioritize the need of treatment by using clinical and physiological measurements and methods. In addition, the student is able to report them based on structured documentation system.
The student is able to act according to the rehabilitation and resource-centered approach when working with patients and their next-of-kin of all ages. The student knows how to use Finnish nutrition recommendations. The student can apply the infection prevention principles, and explain why these principles are important in clinical nursing.
The student understands his/her responsibilities regarding the principles of safety management in different settings and working contexts. The student is able to work towards sustainable development and is aware of his/her own responsibility when promoting these principles at the workplace.
The student is able to recognize the need for immediate first aid, knows how to act in first aid situations and how to follow them. The student is able to act moderately in the first-aid situation. The student is able to provide first aid in various emergency situations, including emergency aid, and is motivated to maintain his first aid information and skills. The student knows about the plans that have been made to secure health care in co-operation with the general civil protection and civil protection during any exceptional circumstances.
Individual, family and resource-centered nursing, the effect of health and illness on the client's life. Essential first aid and life support skills. Assessment of nursing needs. Monitoring the patient's vital functions by using ABCDE-protocol and NEWS.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
The student
- searches information required in individual situations in client-centered clinical nursing.
- demonstrates that he/she is able to some extent to use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- makes a difference between everyday knowledge and evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- follows instructions, is competent to work in individual client-centered clinical nursing situations.
- demonstrates that he/she knows the ethical principles for registered nurses in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is competent to work as a member of a team and shares some of his/her knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is able to analyse his/ her strengths and development needs in client-centered clinical nursing.
- participates in first aid lessons and practices.
- demonstrates the basic life support.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
The student
- searches various sources for information required in client-centered clinical nursing and actively familiarizes himself/ herself with the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- uses and applies evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is competent to implement responsible and safe client-centered clinical nursing.
- at work, in client-centered clinical nursing, observes ethical principles for registered nurses.
- is competent to work as a member of a team, following the principles of client-centered clinical nursing and sharing knowledge.
- develops himself/herself and his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing.
- participates in first aid lessons and practices.
- demonstrates the basic life support.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The student
- searches various sources for information required in client-centered clinical nursing and is able to explain its use in client-centered clinical nursing.
- uses and applies evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is competent to implement responsible and safe client-centered clinical nursing.
- can explain his/her actions in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is able to solve tasks and problems in client-centered clinical nursing.
- can give reasons for his/her actions based on the ethical principles of registered nurses.
- is competent to work as a member of a team and shares his/her knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- systematically develops himself/herself and his/her competence in client-centered clinical nursing.
- participates in first aid lessons and practices.
- demonstrates the basic life support.
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
The student
- does not know how to search information required in individual situations in client-centered clinical nursing.
- cannot demonstrate the ability to use the knowledge base of client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not make a difference between everyday knowledge and evidence-based knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not competent to work in individual client-centered clinical nursing situations even if instructed.
- cannot demonstrate awareness of the ethical principles for registered nurses in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is not competent to work as a member of a team or to share knowledge in client-centered clinical nursing.
- is unable to analyse his/her strengths or development needs in client-centered clinical nursing.
- does not participate actively in first aid lessons.
- does not demonstrate basic life support.