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Child and Youth in PhysiotherapyLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: BB00DX33


The student:

- can explain the stages of the child's motor development in infancy
- knows how to apply theoretical knowledge when planning physiotherapy for children and young people, justifying their actions with evidence-based knowledge
- can meet children and young people of different ages with their families in a natural way and observe and analyze the movement/activity of the clients
- can explain the physical effects of pregnancy on the health of the expectant mother and guide the most important exercises during pregnancy and after birth
- knows how to use the results of functional ability tests for children and young people when planning goal-oriented physiotherapy


- children's motor development during infancy
- planning and implementation of physiotherapy for children and young people based on researched information
- meeting families, children and young people and analyzing their mobility and functional ability
- exercise during pregnancy and post-pregnancy
- the most common functional ability tests for children and young people and interpretation of their results

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student

- can partially apply some basic knowledge about children's normal development and developmental disorders; needs some support and guidance when assessing the mobility and functional ability of children and young people and in choosing and implementing physiotherapy situations
- justifies their actions with the help of limited theoretical knowledge
- is able to work with children and young people of different ages and partly take into account the needs and opportunities of the family to support the child's functional ability
- can partly recognize the physical effects of pregnancy on the health of the pregnant mother and is able to guide the most important exercises during pregnancy and post-pregnancy
- can partially interpret the results of functional ability tests for children and young people when planning goal-oriented physiotherapy

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student

- is able to apply the knowledge about children’s normal development and developmental disorders in assessing the mobility and functional ability of children and young people and in choosing and implementing physiotherapy situations
- can justify their solutions theoretically, based on evidence
- knows how to deal with children and young people of different ages and takes into account the needs and the opportunities of the family to support the child's functional ability
- can explain the physical effects of pregnancy on the health of the pregnant mother and guide the most important exercises during pregnancy and post-pregnancy
- knows how to use the results of functional ability tests for children and young people when planning goal-oriented physiotherapy

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student

- can apply previously learned knowledge about children’s normal development and developmental disorders in assessing the mobility and functional ability of children and young people and in planning and implementing versatile and high-quality physiotherapy situations
- consistently justifies their solutions theoretically and based on evidence
- is able to deal naturally with children and young people of different ages in physiotherapy situations and takes into account the needs and opportunities of the family to support the child's functional ability
- can extensively explain the physical effects of pregnancy on the health of the pregnant mother and guide the most important exercises during pregnancy and post-pregnancy
- knows hot to use the results of functional ability tests for children and young people independently when planning goal-oriented physiotherapy


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Kauranen, K. 2014. Motoriikan säätely ja motorinen oppiminen. Liikuntatieteellinen Seura, julkaisu 167 Tampere 2014, 2.p.
Pihko, H. & Haataja, L &, Rantala, H. (toim.) 2018. Lastenneurologia. Duodecim.
Salpa, P. 2007. Lapsen liikkumisen kehitys – Ensimmäinen ikävuosi. Tammi.
Salpa, P. & Autti-Rämö, I. 2010. Lapsen ensimmäinen vuosi, kehitys ei etene odotetusti, mitä tehdä? Tammi.
Zimmer, R. 2011. Psykomotoriikan käsikirja. Teoriaa ja käytäntöä lasten psykomotoriseen tukemiseen. VK-kustannus OY