Food safety and microbiology (5 cr)
Code: CA00CX10-3007
General information
22.04.2024 - 04.09.2024
26.08.2024 - 18.12.2024
5 op
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Bachelor of Hospitality Management
- Paula Juurakko
- Merja Kyntäjä
Student groups
RESTO24Bachelor of Hospitality Management, Full-time studies
The student knows the most essential sections of the food legislation for microbiology and the hygiene. He / she can present the general microbes of the food industry and their living conditions and can use the concepts of the microbiology. The student can design the safe and hygienic making of foods. He / she knows the risks which are related to foods.
Grounds of the food hygiene and more essential laws, degrees and decisions pertaining to foodstuffs
Grounds for the cleaning
Microbe groups, their most important properties and living conditions
Working in the laboratory and handling of samples
Korkeala, H. (ed.). (2007). Elintarvikehygienia: ympäristöhygienia, elintarvike- ja ympäristötoksikologia. Helsinki. Elintarvikehygienia.
Hygieniaopas- Elintarvikehygienian perusteet. (2023). Ympäristökustannus Oy.
Rahkio, M., Suontamo, T., Virtalainen, T., Terimaa, S., Syyrakki, S., & Välikylä, T. (2013) Pintahygieniaopas - Opas suurtalouksien, elintarviketeollisuuden, elintarvikekaupan, elintarvikealan opetuksen ja terveydensuojelun käyttöön (7. p.). Suomen Ympäristö- ja Teveysalan Kustannus Oy.
Koskinen, M., Kakko, L. & Välikylä, T. (ed.). (2021). Keittiöiden siivous- ja hygieniaopas. Ympäristökustannus Oy.
Teaching methods
Lectures and laboratory work
Student workload
5 credits - 135 hours.
Evaluation scale
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)
The student knows and controls the basic concepts of food hygiene and of microbiology and can adapt them in the solving of the usual problems. He / she knows the risks of food production. He acts responsibly, entrepreneurially and in accordance with food hygiene. The student is able to get information about the food legislation.
Assessment criteria, good (3)
The student knows and controls well the basic concepts of food hygiene and of microbiology and can adapt them in the solving of the usual problems. The Student knows and is able to take into account the risks inherent in professional kitchen activities. He acts responsibly, entrepreneurially and in accordance with food hygiene. The student is able to get information about the food legislation and can adapt them in his work.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student knows and controls excellent the basic concepts of food hygiene and of microbiology and are able to do them variously solving different problems. He / she knows, take into consideration and manage the risks in food production. He is able to act as an entrepreneur and take responsibility for his own actions and their consequences.
Assessment methods and criteria
Active participation, assignments, reports, exam.