Wellbeing Technologies in Health and Social ServicesLaajuus (2 op)
Tunnus: BA00CP02
The student is able to describe what the concepts eHealth and wellbeing technologies involve. The student is able to understand the main technologies used for wellbeing in health and social services as well as to describe the main current eHealth applications and to evaluate them. The student understands the role of data in wellbeing technologies and its implications in security and ethics.
- Concepts and taxonomy of eHealth and wellbeing technologies applied for health and social services.
- Introduction to Information and Communication Technologies.
- Role of health and social care professionals and their way of using wellbeing technologies
- Wellbeing solutions for patients and citizens.
- Description of state of art of eHealth technologies. Benefits and challenges.
- Use of data in wellbeing technologies. Electronic Healthcare Records.
- Aspects of security, ethics and regulations to be considered in wellbeing technologies usage and implementation.
- Designing well-being technologies and managing end-users in co-creation activities
- Interaction with actual wellbeing technologies. Principles of evaluating eHealth solutions.
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
The student cannot describe the concept of eHealth and well being technologies. The student does not know the features of healthcare data and its constraints about security and ethics. The student is not familiar with the design process of eHealth services and applications. No classroom/seminar participation, no assignments delivered.
SeAMK DP in Nursing in-coming exchange students can participate in this course.