Siirry suoraan sisältöön

Finnish 1Laajuus (3 op)

Tunnus: AE00CW66


Students know some basic vocabulary, grammar and phrases of the Finnish language. After the course, they are able to tell and write about themselves using simple expressions and to communicate in simple everyday situations. Furthermore, students are acquainted with Finland as a country and also have a better understanding of the Finnish way of life.


This course provides students with an introduction to Finland and the Finnish language and culture:
- greetings, basic phrases, numbers
- introducing and telling about oneself (name, address, age, country, nationality, language skills), family and housing
- some expressions of time (weekdays, months, seasons, telling time)
- weather
- basic vocabulary (e.g. numbers, time, family, home, weather)
- simple everyday situations, e.g. telling about oneself, shopping and asking prices (Level A1)
- grammar, e.g. personal pronouns, possessive construction, verb conjugation, question and negative sentence, partitive case, genitive, local cases, consonant gradation
- main features of the spoken language
- basic information about Finland and Finnish culture.


No prerequisites

Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student knows some vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions but mistakes can impede comprehension. The student can communicate in some everyday situations when helped. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation. The student can tell only a few main facts about the country and its culture.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student knows the most of the vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions almost without mistakes. He manages independently in most everyday situations. The pronunciation is mainly understandable. The student knows detailed facts widely - although some false information might appear - and is therefore relatively well acquainted with the country and its culture.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student knows the vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions making hardly any mistakes. He manages independently and fluently in everyday situations. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker. The student knows precise and detailed facts and is well acquainted with the country and its culture.


Gehring, S. & Heinzmann, S.: Suomen mestari 1. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.

Web-material given in the beginning of the course


22.04.2024 - 13.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 13.10.2024


3 op


VANHENNETTU SeAMK Bio- ja elintarviketekniikka sekä restonomi


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-food Engineering
  • Virpi Masonen
  • AE24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • AFE24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-Food Engineering , full time studies


Students know some basic vocabulary, grammar and phrases of the Finnish language. After the course, they are able to tell and write about themselves using simple expressions and to communicate in simple everyday situations. Furthermore, students are acquainted with Finland as a country and also have a better understanding of the Finnish way of life.


This course provides students with an introduction to Finland and the Finnish language and culture:
- greetings, basic phrases, numbers
- introducing and telling about oneself (name, address, age, country, nationality, language skills), family and housing
- some expressions of time (weekdays, months, seasons, telling time)
- weather
- basic vocabulary (e.g. numbers, time, family, home, weather)
- simple everyday situations, e.g. telling about oneself, shopping and asking prices (Level A1)
- grammar, e.g. personal pronouns, possessive construction, verb conjugation, question and negative sentence, partitive case, genitive, local cases, consonant gradation
- main features of the spoken language
- basic information about Finland and Finnish culture.


Gehring, Sonja & Heinzmann, Sanni: Suomen mestari 1. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.


Lähiopetus / hybridiopetus, itsenäinen opiskelu, kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Tenttien ajankohdat ilmoitetaan kurssin aikana.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Näyttö (SeAMK:n näyttöpäivinä)
tai YKI-todistus, keskitaso

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

81 h, sis. 26 h luentoja

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen (EVK) taso A1



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student knows some vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions but mistakes can impede comprehension. The student can communicate in some everyday situations when helped. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation. The student can tell only a few main facts about the country and its culture.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student knows the most of the vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions almost without mistakes. He manages independently in most everyday situations. The pronunciation is mainly understandable. The student knows detailed facts widely - although some false information might appear - and is therefore relatively well acquainted with the country and its culture.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student knows the vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions making hardly any mistakes. He manages independently and fluently in everyday situations. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker. The student knows precise and detailed facts and is well acquainted with the country and its culture.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

- aktiivinen osallistuminen opetukseen (min. 50 % kurssin läpäisemiseksi & min. 80 % kiitettävään arvosanaan)
- kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät
- tentti (suullinen ja kirjallinen osuus, min. 50 % pisteistä tentin läpäisemiseksi)


No prerequisites


22.04.2024 - 13.09.2024


26.08.2024 - 13.10.2024


3 op


SeAMK Automaatio- ja tietotekniikka


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Noora Kivimäki
  • AE24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • AFE24
    Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-Food Engineering , full time studies


Students know some basic vocabulary, grammar and phrases of the Finnish language. After the course, they are able to tell and write about themselves using simple expressions and to communicate in simple everyday situations. Furthermore, students are acquainted with Finland as a country and also have a better understanding of the Finnish way of life.


This course provides students with an introduction to Finland and the Finnish language and culture:
- greetings, basic phrases, numbers
- introducing and telling about oneself (name, address, age, country, nationality, language skills), family and housing
- some expressions of time (weekdays, months, seasons, telling time)
- weather
- basic vocabulary (e.g. numbers, time, family, home, weather)
- simple everyday situations, e.g. telling about oneself, shopping and asking prices (Level A1)
- grammar, e.g. personal pronouns, possessive construction, verb conjugation, question and negative sentence, partitive case, genitive, local cases, consonant gradation
- main features of the spoken language
- basic information about Finland and Finnish culture.


Gehring, Sonja & Heinzmann, Sanni: Suomen mestari 1. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.


Lähiopetus / hybridiopetus, itsenäinen opiskelu, kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät, verkkotentti

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Tenttien ajankohdat ilmoitetaan kurssin aikana.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

Näyttö (SeAMK:n näyttöpäivinä) tai YKI-todistus, keskitaso

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

81 h, sis. 28 h luentoja

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen (EVK) taso A1



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student knows some vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions but mistakes can impede comprehension. The student can communicate in some everyday situations when helped. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation. The student can tell only a few main facts about the country and its culture.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student knows the most of the vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions almost without mistakes. He manages independently in most everyday situations. The pronunciation is mainly understandable. The student knows detailed facts widely - although some false information might appear - and is therefore relatively well acquainted with the country and its culture.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student knows the vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions making hardly any mistakes. He manages independently and fluently in everyday situations. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker. The student knows precise and detailed facts and is well acquainted with the country and its culture.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

- aktiivinen osallistuminen opetukseen (min. 50 % kurssin läpäisemiseksi & min. 80 % kiitettävään arvosanaan)
- kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät
- tentti (suullinen ja kirjallinen osuus, min. 50 % pisteistä tentin läpäisemiseksi)


No prerequisites


17.04.2023 - 11.10.2023


23.10.2023 - 17.12.2023


3 op


VANHENNETTU SeAMK Bio- ja elintarviketekniikka sekä restonomi


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami

  • Englanti
  • Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-food Engineering
  • Virpi Masonen
  • AFE23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Agri-Food Engineering , full time studies


Students know some basic vocabulary, grammar and phrases of the Finnish language. After the course, they are able to tell and write about themselves using simple expressions and to communicate in simple everyday situations. Furthermore, students are acquainted with Finland as a country and also have a better understanding of the Finnish way of life.


This course provides students with an introduction to Finland and the Finnish language and culture:
- greetings, basic phrases, numbers
- introducing and telling about oneself (name, address, age, country, nationality, language skills), family and housing
- some expressions of time (weekdays, months, seasons, telling time)
- weather
- basic vocabulary (e.g. numbers, time, family, home, weather)
- simple everyday situations, e.g. telling about oneself, shopping and asking prices (Level A1)
- grammar, e.g. personal pronouns, possessive construction, verb conjugation, question and negative sentence, partitive case, genitive, local cases, consonant gradation
- main features of the spoken language
- basic information about Finland and Finnish culture.


Gehring, Sonja & Heinzmann, Sanni: Suomen mestari 1. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.


Lähiopetus / hybridiopetus, itsenäinen opiskelu, kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Tenttien ajankohdat ilmoitetaan kurssin aikana.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

näyttö (SeAMK:n näyttöpäivinä)

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

81 h, sis. 26 h luentoja

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen (EVK) taso A1



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student knows some vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions but mistakes can impede comprehension. The student can communicate in some everyday situations when helped. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation. The student can tell only a few main facts about the country and its culture.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student knows the most of the vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions almost without mistakes. He manages independently in most everyday situations. The pronunciation is mainly understandable. The student knows detailed facts widely - although some false information might appear - and is therefore relatively well acquainted with the country and its culture.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student knows the vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions making hardly any mistakes. He manages independently and fluently in everyday situations. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker. The student knows precise and detailed facts and is well acquainted with the country and its culture.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

- aktiivinen osallistuminen opetukseen (min. 50 % kurssin läpäisemiseksi & min. 80 % kiitettävään arvosanaan)
- kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät
- tentti (suullinen ja kirjallinen osuus, min. 50 % pisteistä tentin läpäisemiseksi)


No prerequisites


17.04.2023 - 08.09.2023


28.08.2023 - 15.10.2023


3 op

Virtuaaliosuus (op)

3 op


SeAMK Automaatio- ja tietotekniikka


SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami

  • Englanti

16 - 40

  • Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering
  • Noora Kivimäki
  • AE23
    Bachelor of Engineering, Automation Engineering


Students know some basic vocabulary, grammar and phrases of the Finnish language. After the course, they are able to tell and write about themselves using simple expressions and to communicate in simple everyday situations. Furthermore, students are acquainted with Finland as a country and also have a better understanding of the Finnish way of life.


This course provides students with an introduction to Finland and the Finnish language and culture:
- greetings, basic phrases, numbers
- introducing and telling about oneself (name, address, age, country, nationality, language skills), family and housing
- some expressions of time (weekdays, months, seasons, telling time)
- weather
- basic vocabulary (e.g. numbers, time, family, home, weather)
- simple everyday situations, e.g. telling about oneself, shopping and asking prices (Level A1)
- grammar, e.g. personal pronouns, possessive construction, verb conjugation, question and negative sentence, partitive case, genitive, local cases, consonant gradation
- main features of the spoken language
- basic information about Finland and Finnish culture.


Gehring, Sonja & Heinzmann, Sanni: Suomen mestari 1. Helsinki: Finn Lectura.
Verkkomateriaali ilmoitetaan kurssin alussa.


Lähiopetus / hybridiopetus, luennot
Itsenäinen opiskelu: harjoitukset ja tehtävät
Suulliset ja kirjalliset tehtävät yksin ja ryhmässä

Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet

Tentin ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat ilmoitetaan kurssin aikana.

Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat

näyttö (SeAMK:n näyttöpäivinä)

Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus

81 h, sis. 28 h luentoja

Lisätietoja opiskelijoille

Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen (EVK) taso A1



Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)

The student knows some vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions but mistakes can impede comprehension. The student can communicate in some everyday situations when helped. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation. The student can tell only a few main facts about the country and its culture.

Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)

The student knows the most of the vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions almost without mistakes. He manages independently in most everyday situations. The pronunciation is mainly understandable. The student knows detailed facts widely - although some false information might appear - and is therefore relatively well acquainted with the country and its culture.

Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)

The student knows the vocabulary and polite phrases learnt during the course. He can use simple constructions making hardly any mistakes. He manages independently and fluently in everyday situations. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker. The student knows precise and detailed facts and is well acquainted with the country and its culture.

Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet

- aktiivinen osallistuminen opetukseen (min. 50 % kurssin läpäisemiseksi & min. 80 % kiitettävään arvosanaan)
- kirjalliset ja suulliset Moodle-tehtävät ja testit
- tentti (suullinen ja kirjallinen osuus, min. 50 % pisteistä tentin läpäisemiseksi)


No prerequisites