BIP -Future Proof Animal Production SystemLaajuus (3 op)
Tunnus: 9A00DI97
The student is familiar with differences in production and supply chains in European animal husbandry and its products. They know international supply chains, trades (import and export) as also differences in production and business processes in the different member states. They are familiar with future outlook, prospects and challenges in animal production. They are able to find information and solutions for sustainable animal production.
The student learns about international communication, international project skills and English.
Present situation in European animal production. Topical issues in animal production, e.g: technological development, animal welfare, climate change, environmental aspects, consumer behaviour and acceptance, biosecurity, food safety.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
The student submits the assignments and reports. They can present a summary about present animal production and supply chains. They can list the most important future perspectives. They can recognize some solutions to future challenges in animal production. They can give a presentation in English. They can name some cultural differences met during the course.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
The students can compare production systems and supply chains in European animal husbandry. They can identify future challenges in animal production and relate solutions to challenges. They can describe cultural differences and solutions to these differences to work in project group. They can give clear reports and presentations in English.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The students can examine present production systems and supply chains as also future outlook from many perspectives. They can classify different future challenges and select well-argued solutions to different situations. They can describe cultural differences and ways to overcome these challenges to work efficiently and smoothly. They can make clear, interesting and finished reports and presentations in English.
15.04.2024 - 02.01.2025
07.01.2025 - 27.04.2025
3 op
Virtuaaliosuus (op)
1 op
SeAMK Agrologi
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami
- Englanti
- Agrologi (AMK)
- Samu Palander
- Teija Rönkä
MAGRO22Agrologi (AMK)
MAGRO23Agrologi (AMK)
AGRO23Agrologi (AMK)
AGRO22PRAgrologi (AMK)
The student is familiar with differences in production and supply chains in European animal husbandry and its products. They know international supply chains, trades (import and export) as also differences in production and business processes in the different member states. They are familiar with future outlook, prospects and challenges in animal production. They are able to find information and solutions for sustainable animal production.
The student learns about international communication, international project skills and English.
Present situation in European animal production. Topical issues in animal production, e.g: technological development, animal welfare, climate change, environmental aspects, consumer behaviour and acceptance, biosecurity, food safety.
Opettajien tuottama ja ilmoittama materiaali.
Lähiviikko Espanjassa helmi-maaliskuussa 2025.
Verkkoluennot ja ryhmätyöt verkossa kansainvälisessä ryhmässä.
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
yhteensä 81 h,
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Toteutetaan Erasmus Blended Intensive Program-kurssina yhdessä HAS green academyn, Coimbra Polytechnicin ja Valladolidin yliopiston kanssa.
Kevään 2025 lähiviikko toteutetaan Espanjassa, ajankohta helmi-maaliskuussa.
Osallistujien määrää voidaan joutua rajoittamaan; max osallistujamäärä todennäköisesti noin 10-15 opiskelijaa.
Lähiviikon matka- ja majoituskuluihin mahdollisuus saada Erasmus-tukea.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
The student submits the assignments and reports. They can present a summary about present animal production and supply chains. They can list the most important future perspectives. They can recognize some solutions to future challenges in animal production. They can give a presentation in English. They can name some cultural differences met during the course.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
The students can compare production systems and supply chains in European animal husbandry. They can identify future challenges in animal production and relate solutions to challenges. They can describe cultural differences and solutions to these differences to work in project group. They can give clear reports and presentations in English.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The students can examine present production systems and supply chains as also future outlook from many perspectives. They can classify different future challenges and select well-argued solutions to different situations. They can describe cultural differences and ways to overcome these challenges to work efficiently and smoothly. They can make clear, interesting and finished reports and presentations in English.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Osallistuminen lähiviikolle.
Hyväksytysti suoritetut oppimistehtävät.
17.04.2023 - 21.02.2024
04.03.2024 - 15.04.2024
3 op
SeAMK Agrologi
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami
- Englanti
- Agrologi (AMK)
- Samu Palander
- Teija Rönkä
MAGRO22Agrologi (AMK)
AGRO21PRAgrologi (AMK)
MAGRO21Agrologi (AMK)
AGRO22AAgrologi (AMK)
AGRO22BAgrologi (AMK)
The student is familiar with differences in production and supply chains in European animal husbandry and its products. They know international supply chains, trades (import and export) as also differences in production and business processes in the different member states. They are familiar with future outlook, prospects and challenges in animal production. They are able to find information and solutions for sustainable animal production.
The student learns about international communication, international project skills and English.
Present situation in European animal production. Topical issues in animal production, e.g: technological development, animal welfare, climate change, environmental aspects, consumer behaviour and acceptance, biosecurity, food safety.
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Lähiviikko Hollannissa viikolla 9 (hiihtoloma). Teams-tunnit viikoilla 10 ja 11 pääosin klo 16 jälkeen.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
The student submits the assignments and reports. They can present a summary about present animal production and supply chains. They can list the most important future perspectives. They can recognize some solutions to future challenges in animal production. They can give a presentation in English. They can name some cultural differences met during the course.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
The students can compare production systems and supply chains in European animal husbandry. They can identify future challenges in animal production and relate solutions to challenges. They can describe cultural differences and solutions to these differences to work in project group. They can give clear reports and presentations in English.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The students can examine present production systems and supply chains as also future outlook from many perspectives. They can classify different future challenges and select well-argued solutions to different situations. They can describe cultural differences and ways to overcome these challenges to work efficiently and smoothly. They can make clear, interesting and finished reports and presentations in English.
09.11.2022 - 24.02.2023
06.03.2023 - 24.03.2023
3 op
Virtuaaliosuus (op)
2 op
SeAMK Agrologi
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Frami
- Englanti
- Agrologi (AMK)
- Anu Katila
- Teija Rönkä
Teija Rönkä
AGRO20PRAgrologi (AMK)
The student is familiar with differences in production and supply chains in European animal husbandry and its products. They know international supply chains, trades (import and export) as also differences in production and business processes in the different member states. They are familiar with future outlook, prospects and challenges in animal production. They are able to find information and solutions for sustainable animal production.
The student learns about international communication, international project skills and English.
Present situation in European animal production. Topical issues in animal production, e.g: technological development, animal welfare, climate change, environmental aspects, consumer behaviour and acceptance, biosecurity, food safety.
Announced by teachers
Individual studying
Erasmus blended intensive course (HAS University of Applied Sciences, The Netherland; Polytechnic of Coimbra, Portugal; University of Valladolid, Spain)
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Totally 80 h
Face to face 40 h, virtual 40 h
Sisällön jaksotus
6.-10.3. face to face in Finland: lectures, field trips, group work and presentations in international groups, individual study
13.-24.3. virtual part: group work and presentations in international groups,lectures, virtual trips, individual study
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
The student submits the assignments and reports. They can present a summary about present animal production and supply chains. They can list the most important future perspectives. They can recognize some solutions to future challenges in animal production. They can give a presentation in English. They can name some cultural differences met during the course.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
The students can compare production systems and supply chains in European animal husbandry. They can identify future challenges in animal production and relate solutions to challenges. They can describe cultural differences and solutions to these differences to work in project group. They can give clear reports and presentations in English.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The students can examine present production systems and supply chains as also future outlook from many perspectives. They can classify different future challenges and select well-argued solutions to different situations. They can describe cultural differences and ways to overcome these challenges to work efficiently and smoothly. They can make clear, interesting and finished reports and presentations in English.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Group work assignments
Individual reflection report
Hylätty (0)
The students do not submit assignments and reports. They can not name future perspectives and challenges in animal production.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
The student submits the assignments and reports. They can present a summary about present animal production and supply chains. They can list the most important future perspectives. They can recognize some solutions to future challenges in animal production. They can give a presentation in English. They can name some cultural differences met during the course.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
The students can compare production systems and supply chains in European animal husbandry. They can identify future challenges in animal production and relate solutions to challenges. They can describe cultural differences and solutions to these differences to work in project group. They can give clear reports and presentations in English.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
The students can examine present production systems and supply chains as also future outlook from many perspectives. They can classify different future challenges and select well-argued solutions to different situations. They can describe cultural differences and ways to overcome these challenges to work efficiently and smoothly. They can make clear, interesting and finished reports and presentations in English.