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Business IntelligenceLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: IB00CY33


The student can
- Understand the role of business intelligence in the IT and business context.
- Explain the basic principles of databases, data warehousing and business intelligence.
- Understand the different data sources and data quality processes.
- Define the dimensions and measures for the business intelligence data model.
- Present the basic knowledge and skills needed in building a business intelligence solution.


- Organizational context of business intelligence
- Database and data warehouse concepts and structures
- Recognizing different data sources
- Ensuring data quality
- Tools for designing and implementing business intelligence solutions
- Planning, implementing and maintaining a business intelligence solution
- Changes, risks and problems in business intelligence
- Business intelligence as communication and management tool


- International Financial Management
- Digital Business Processes

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can name and can define the central concepts which describe data warehousing and business intelligence. Student can explain different phases of the business intelligence process.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can explain the central concepts which describe data warehousing and business intelligence. Student can explain well different phases of the business intelligence process. Student has basic business intelligence skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can name and define very well the central concepts of data warehousing and business intelligence. Student can explain very well different phases of the business intelligence process. Student can implement business intelligence solutions independently.


11.11.2024 - 23.02.2025


07.04.2025 - 25.05.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • Maja Krljic
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Student groups
  • IGWIB25S
    Gateway to International Business
  • IB22B
  • IB22A
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


The student can
- Understand the role of business intelligence in the IT and business context.
- Explain the basic principles of databases, data warehousing and business intelligence.
- Understand the different data sources and data quality processes.
- Define the dimensions and measures for the business intelligence data model.
- Present the basic knowledge and skills needed in building a business intelligence solution.


- Organizational context of business intelligence
- Database and data warehouse concepts and structures
- Recognizing different data sources
- Ensuring data quality
- Tools for designing and implementing business intelligence solutions
- Planning, implementing and maintaining a business intelligence solution
- Changes, risks and problems in business intelligence
- Business intelligence as communication and management tool


Material provided by teacher (teaching material, online articles, previous research)

Teaching methods

Lectures, Individual work,class activities, group work

Student workload

There will be total 81h:

- 16h of lectures and in-class activities
- 65h of self study

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can name and can define the central concepts which describe data warehousing and business intelligence. Student can explain different phases of the business intelligence process.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can explain the central concepts which describe data warehousing and business intelligence. Student can explain well different phases of the business intelligence process. Student has basic business intelligence skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can name and define very well the central concepts of data warehousing and business intelligence. Student can explain very well different phases of the business intelligence process. Student can implement business intelligence solutions independently.

Assessment methods and criteria

Assessment for class activity 10%, assignments 25%, group project 25%, exam 40%


- International Financial Management
- Digital Business Processes


13.11.2023 - 28.02.2024


11.03.2024 - 26.05.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • Nicolas Martinez
Student groups
  • IGWIB24S
    Gateway to International Business
  • IB21


The student can
- Understand the role of business intelligence in the IT and business context.
- Explain the basic principles of databases, data warehousing and business intelligence.
- Understand the different data sources and data quality processes.
- Define the dimensions and measures for the business intelligence data model.
- Present the basic knowledge and skills needed in building a business intelligence solution.


- Organizational context of business intelligence
- Database and data warehouse concepts and structures
- Recognizing different data sources
- Ensuring data quality
- Tools for designing and implementing business intelligence solutions
- Planning, implementing and maintaining a business intelligence solution
- Changes, risks and problems in business intelligence
- Business intelligence as communication and management tool


Material provided by teacher:
- books
- slides
- articles

Teaching methods

Lectures, workshops lecture assignments, groupwork

Student workload

Lectures and workshops 16 hours and self-study 65 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can name and can define the central concepts which describe data warehousing and business intelligence. Student can explain different phases of the business intelligence process.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can explain the central concepts which describe data warehousing and business intelligence. Student can explain well different phases of the business intelligence process. Student has basic business intelligence skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can name and define very well the central concepts of data warehousing and business intelligence. Student can explain very well different phases of the business intelligence process. Student can implement business intelligence solutions independently.


- International Financial Management
- Digital Business Processes


14.11.2022 - 26.02.2023


06.03.2023 - 26.05.2023


3 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • Mikko Kulmala
Student groups
  • IB20
  • IGWIB23S
    Gateway to International Business


The student can
- Understand the role of business intelligence in the IT and business context.
- Explain the basic principles of databases, data warehousing and business intelligence.
- Understand the different data sources and data quality processes.
- Define the dimensions and measures for the business intelligence data model.
- Present the basic knowledge and skills needed in building a business intelligence solution.


- Organizational context of business intelligence
- Database and data warehouse concepts and structures
- Recognizing different data sources
- Ensuring data quality
- Tools for designing and implementing business intelligence solutions
- Planning, implementing and maintaining a business intelligence solution
- Changes, risks and problems in business intelligence
- Business intelligence as communication and management tool


Material provided by lecturer

Teaching methods

Lecutures and assignments

Exam schedules

There is no exam on this course.

Student workload

Contact sessions 14h, independent work 67h

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student can name and can define the central concepts which describe data warehousing and business intelligence. Student can explain different phases of the business intelligence process.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student can explain the central concepts which describe data warehousing and business intelligence. Student can explain well different phases of the business intelligence process. Student has basic business intelligence skills.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student can name and define very well the central concepts of data warehousing and business intelligence. Student can explain very well different phases of the business intelligence process. Student can implement business intelligence solutions independently.

Assessment methods and criteria

Course is evaluated by assignment


- International Financial Management
- Digital Business Processes