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Business EthicsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: IB00CX98


The student can bring ethics into their decision-making. Students can apply ethics across cultures and in international business settings. The student is familiar with key concepts relating to ethics and basis of ethics, and can apply such concepts. The student can give reasoned arguments in defence of his / her ethical judgements. The student can provide examples of ethical dilemmas in the field of business operations and comment upon such dilemmas. The student can independently analyses his / her moral code. The student can assess business objectives when they conflict with moral objectives. Students can identify specific areas to apply business across business functions: Management, HRM, Marketing and Finance.


- ethics, ethical actions, basis for ethics
- ethics in the context of business operations
- ethical sensitivity
- moral codes
- rationality and objectivity in conjunction with humanity
- ethical cultural differences in international business

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student thoroughly carried out the given assignments. The student recognises most of the discussed concepts relating to ethics and the basis of ethics, and applies these concepts widely. The student is able to clearly state his / her grounds for his / her ethical judgements. The student can give examples of ethical dilemmas and can comment upon them demonstrating good ethical judgement. The student's output demonstrates the ability to independently, critically and in depth analyse his / her moral code.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student thoroughly carried out the given assignments. The student recognises most of the discussed concepts relating to ethics and the basis of ethics, and applies these concepts widely. The student is able to clearly state his / her grounds for his / her ethical judgements. The student can give examples of ethical dilemmas and can comment upon them demonstrating good ethical judgement. The student's output demonstrates the ability to independently, critically and in depth analyse his / her moral code. The student can express differences in ethics based on international/cultural situations.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has carried out the given assignments thoroughly and in a timely fashion. The student recognises almost all of the discussed concepts relating to ethics and the basis of ethics, and applies these concepts with excellent judgement. The student is able to clearly and aptly state his / her grounds for his / her ethical judgements. The student can give well-grounded examples of ethical dilemmas and can comment upon them demonstrating excellent ethical sensitivity. The student's output demonstrates the ability to independently, critically and in depth analyse his / her moral code. The students can analyse and reason through their own moral code how business ethics can be applied in international business.


Business Ethics: An Ethical Decision-Making Approach; Business Ethics: Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality.


11.11.2024 - 23.02.2025


07.04.2025 - 25.05.2025


5 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • Cory Isaacs
Student groups
  • IGWIB25S
    Gateway to International Business
  • IB22B
  • IB22A


The student can bring ethics into their decision-making. Students can apply ethics across cultures and in international business settings. The student is familiar with key concepts relating to ethics and basis of ethics, and can apply such concepts. The student can give reasoned arguments in defence of his / her ethical judgements. The student can provide examples of ethical dilemmas in the field of business operations and comment upon such dilemmas. The student can independently analyses his / her moral code. The student can assess business objectives when they conflict with moral objectives. Students can identify specific areas to apply business across business functions: Management, HRM, Marketing and Finance.


- ethics, ethical actions, basis for ethics
- ethics in the context of business operations
- ethical sensitivity
- moral codes
- rationality and objectivity in conjunction with humanity
- ethical cultural differences in international business


Schwartz, M. S. (2017). Business ethics : An ethical decision-making approach. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Wasieleski, D. M., & Weber, J. (Eds.). (2019). Business ethics. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Material provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

- Lectures and Guided Practice
- Independent work
- Face-to-face teaching
- Guided web-studies
- Poster Presentations
- Exam

Student workload

135 hours = 5 credits
- 24 hours of lectures and guided practice
- 111 hours of independent work.
Students are free to decide on their own and within their groups how to use the 111 hours in regards to completing the course tasks and reading the course book.
Low attendance will be taken into consideration when giving the final grade.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student thoroughly carried out the given assignments. The student recognises most of the discussed concepts relating to ethics and the basis of ethics, and applies these concepts widely. The student is able to clearly state his / her grounds for his / her ethical judgements. The student can give examples of ethical dilemmas and can comment upon them demonstrating good ethical judgement. The student's output demonstrates the ability to independently, critically and in depth analyse his / her moral code.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student thoroughly carried out the given assignments. The student recognises most of the discussed concepts relating to ethics and the basis of ethics, and applies these concepts widely. The student is able to clearly state his / her grounds for his / her ethical judgements. The student can give examples of ethical dilemmas and can comment upon them demonstrating good ethical judgement. The student's output demonstrates the ability to independently, critically and in depth analyse his / her moral code. The student can express differences in ethics based on international/cultural situations.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has carried out the given assignments thoroughly and in a timely fashion. The student recognises almost all of the discussed concepts relating to ethics and the basis of ethics, and applies these concepts with excellent judgement. The student is able to clearly and aptly state his / her grounds for his / her ethical judgements. The student can give well-grounded examples of ethical dilemmas and can comment upon them demonstrating excellent ethical sensitivity. The student's output demonstrates the ability to independently, critically and in depth analyse his / her moral code. The students can analyse and reason through their own moral code how business ethics can be applied in international business.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam 100% - Held in the EXAM room on campus

Students must also complete all course tasks and homework assignments.
Failure to complete all course material will result in a lower grade or your final grade being withheld until all tasks are complete at an acceptable level.


13.11.2023 - 28.02.2024


04.03.2024 - 26.05.2024


5 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • Cory Isaacs
Student groups
  • IGWIB24S
    Gateway to International Business
  • IB21


The student can bring ethics into their decision-making. Students can apply ethics across cultures and in international business settings. The student is familiar with key concepts relating to ethics and basis of ethics, and can apply such concepts. The student can give reasoned arguments in defence of his / her ethical judgements. The student can provide examples of ethical dilemmas in the field of business operations and comment upon such dilemmas. The student can independently analyses his / her moral code. The student can assess business objectives when they conflict with moral objectives. Students can identify specific areas to apply business across business functions: Management, HRM, Marketing and Finance.


- ethics, ethical actions, basis for ethics
- ethics in the context of business operations
- ethical sensitivity
- moral codes
- rationality and objectivity in conjunction with humanity
- ethical cultural differences in international business


Schwartz, M. S. (2017). Business ethics : An ethical decision-making approach. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Wasieleski, D. M., & Weber, J. (Eds.). (2019). Business ethics. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Material provided by the teacher

Teaching methods

- Lectures and Guided Practice
- Independent work
- Face-to-face teaching
- Guided web-studies
- Poster Presentations
- Exam

Student workload

135 hours = 5 credits
- 24 hours of lectures and guided practice
- 111 hours of independent work.
Students are free to decide on their own and within their groups how to use the 111 hours in regards to completing the course tasks and reading the course book.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student thoroughly carried out the given assignments. The student recognises most of the discussed concepts relating to ethics and the basis of ethics, and applies these concepts widely. The student is able to clearly state his / her grounds for his / her ethical judgements. The student can give examples of ethical dilemmas and can comment upon them demonstrating good ethical judgement. The student's output demonstrates the ability to independently, critically and in depth analyse his / her moral code.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student thoroughly carried out the given assignments. The student recognises most of the discussed concepts relating to ethics and the basis of ethics, and applies these concepts widely. The student is able to clearly state his / her grounds for his / her ethical judgements. The student can give examples of ethical dilemmas and can comment upon them demonstrating good ethical judgement. The student's output demonstrates the ability to independently, critically and in depth analyse his / her moral code. The student can express differences in ethics based on international/cultural situations.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has carried out the given assignments thoroughly and in a timely fashion. The student recognises almost all of the discussed concepts relating to ethics and the basis of ethics, and applies these concepts with excellent judgement. The student is able to clearly and aptly state his / her grounds for his / her ethical judgements. The student can give well-grounded examples of ethical dilemmas and can comment upon them demonstrating excellent ethical sensitivity. The student's output demonstrates the ability to independently, critically and in depth analyse his / her moral code. The students can analyse and reason through their own moral code how business ethics can be applied in international business.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam 100% - Held in the EXAM room on campus

Students must also complete all course tasks and homework assignments.
Failure to complete all course material will result in a lower grade or your final grade being withheld until all tasks are complete at an acceptable level.


14.11.2022 - 26.02.2023


27.04.2023 - 26.05.2023


5 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • Cory Isaacs
Student groups
  • IB20
  • IGWIB23S
    Gateway to International Business


The student can bring ethics into their decision-making. Students can apply ethics across cultures and in international business settings. The student is familiar with key concepts relating to ethics and basis of ethics, and can apply such concepts. The student can give reasoned arguments in defence of his / her ethical judgements. The student can provide examples of ethical dilemmas in the field of business operations and comment upon such dilemmas. The student can independently analyses his / her moral code. The student can assess business objectives when they conflict with moral objectives. Students can identify specific areas to apply business across business functions: Management, HRM, Marketing and Finance.


- ethics, ethical actions, basis for ethics
- ethics in the context of business operations
- ethical sensitivity
- moral codes
- rationality and objectivity in conjunction with humanity
- ethical cultural differences in international business


Schwartz, M. S. (2017). Business ethics : An ethical decision-making approach. John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Wasieleski, D. M., & Weber, J. (Eds.). (2019). Business ethics. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Hoffman, W. Michae (2014)l. Business Ethics : Readings and Cases in Corporate Morality, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.

Material provided by the teachers

Teaching methods

- Lectures and Guided Practice
- Face-to-face teaching
- Independent work
- Guided web-studies
- Poster Presentations
- Exam

Student workload

135 hours = 5 credits
- 24 hours of lectures and guided practice
- 111 hours of independent work.
Students are free to decide on their own and within their groups how to use the 111 hours in regards to completing the course tasks and reading the course book.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student thoroughly carried out the given assignments. The student recognises most of the discussed concepts relating to ethics and the basis of ethics, and applies these concepts widely. The student is able to clearly state his / her grounds for his / her ethical judgements. The student can give examples of ethical dilemmas and can comment upon them demonstrating good ethical judgement. The student's output demonstrates the ability to independently, critically and in depth analyse his / her moral code.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student thoroughly carried out the given assignments. The student recognises most of the discussed concepts relating to ethics and the basis of ethics, and applies these concepts widely. The student is able to clearly state his / her grounds for his / her ethical judgements. The student can give examples of ethical dilemmas and can comment upon them demonstrating good ethical judgement. The student's output demonstrates the ability to independently, critically and in depth analyse his / her moral code. The student can express differences in ethics based on international/cultural situations.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student has carried out the given assignments thoroughly and in a timely fashion. The student recognises almost all of the discussed concepts relating to ethics and the basis of ethics, and applies these concepts with excellent judgement. The student is able to clearly and aptly state his / her grounds for his / her ethical judgements. The student can give well-grounded examples of ethical dilemmas and can comment upon them demonstrating excellent ethical sensitivity. The student's output demonstrates the ability to independently, critically and in depth analyse his / her moral code. The students can analyse and reason through their own moral code how business ethics can be applied in international business.

Assessment methods and criteria

Exam 100% - Held in the EXAM room on campus

Students must also complete all course tasks and homework assignments.
Failure to complete all course material will result in a lower grade or your final grade being withheld until all tasks are complete at an acceptable level.