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Business in Latin AmericaLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: KD00CU83


Students have a basic knowledge of the way of behavior of Latin-American business people in business negotiations and Latin American culture in general. After the course they have knowledge of how to support companies in diverse tasks related to start up business with companies in Latin America market area. During the learning process the students collaborate with real Finnish companies.


- Introduction to business culture in the countries of Latin America
-Preliminary study about business potential in Latin America .
- Colaboration with Finnish companies e.g. to find the market or business partner from the target area



Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The completed tasks, and final report performance are of a passable level in terms of knowledge, skills and their further professional application.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The completed tasks, the final exam and virtual classroom performance are at a good level in terms of knowledge, skills and their further professional application. The student demonstrates an emerging ability for autonomous professional development in the field of study.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The completed tasks, the final exam and virtual classroom performance are at an excellent level in terms of knowledge, skills and their further application. The student is clearly capable of autonomous professional development and the application of his/her knowledge and skills in the field of study.


Bosrock, Mary Murray. Put your best foot forward, South America, A fearless Guide to International Communication and Behaviour

- Other material provided by the teachers


22.04.2024 - 08.09.2024


02.09.2024 - 29.11.2024


3 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Gateway to International Business
  • Dario Liberona
Student groups
  • IB23B
    Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • IB23A
    Bachelor of Business Administration, International Business
  • IB22B
  • IGWIB24F
    Gateway to International Business
  • IB22A


Students have a basic knowledge of the way of behavior of Latin-American business people in business negotiations and Latin American culture in general. After the course they have knowledge of how to support companies in diverse tasks related to start up business with companies in Latin America market area. During the learning process the students collaborate with real Finnish companies.


- Introduction to business culture in the countries of Latin America
-Preliminary study about business potential in Latin America .
- Colaboration with Finnish companies e.g. to find the market or business partner from the target area


Bosrock, Mary Murray. Put your best foot forward, South America, A fearless Guide to International Communication and Behaviour

- Other material provided by the teachers

Teaching methods

Learning outcomes of the course

Students will have :
-Knowledge of Latin American Markets,
-General Knowledge most important startup Ecosystems in the region
- Business Models creation (Lean Canvas and Canvas)
- Identify Business opportunities in LatinAmerica

Prerequisites and co-requisites
No previous studies are required. (International economy and Finance Advisable)

Student workload

There will be 16 hours of presence class and 50 hours of personal homework

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The completed tasks, and final report performance are of a passable level in terms of knowledge, skills and their further professional application.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The completed tasks, the final exam and virtual classroom performance are at a good level in terms of knowledge, skills and their further professional application. The student demonstrates an emerging ability for autonomous professional development in the field of study.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The completed tasks, the final exam and virtual classroom performance are at an excellent level in terms of knowledge, skills and their further application. The student is clearly capable of autonomous professional development and the application of his/her knowledge and skills in the field of study.

Assessment methods and criteria

First Report - Pestel and Country Analysis 15%

Presentation Culture and Economy assigned Countries/Business 15%

Export and Import opportunities (Report – Presentation) 15%

Business Model Presentation / New business Opportunities (PPT) 25%

Exam and General Contents 15%
(On slides, classes and your work, online questions)

Class Participation 15%

% Grade
90 - 100 5
80 -89 4
70 to 79 3
60 to 69 4
51 to 59 1




17.04.2023 - 11.09.2023


18.09.2023 - 17.12.2023


3 op

Teaching languages
  • English

10 - 30

Degree programmes
  • Gateway to International Business
  • Dario Liberona
Student groups
  • IGWIB23F
    Gateway to International Business
  • IB22B
  • IB22A


Students have a basic knowledge of the way of behavior of Latin-American business people in business negotiations and Latin American culture in general. After the course they have knowledge of how to support companies in diverse tasks related to start up business with companies in Latin America market area. During the learning process the students collaborate with real Finnish companies.


- Introduction to business culture in the countries of Latin America
-Preliminary study about business potential in Latin America .
- Colaboration with Finnish companies e.g. to find the market or business partner from the target area

Location and time

Presence Mode


Bosrock, Mary Murray. Put your best foot forward, South America, A fearless Guide to International Communication and Behaviour

- Other material provided by the teachers

Teaching methods

Lecture classes
Diagnostics and other Surveys
Final project presentations

Exam schedules

Presentations and Quices

Student workload

66 total Hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The completed tasks, and final report performance are of a passable level in terms of knowledge, skills and their further professional application.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The completed tasks, the final exam and virtual classroom performance are at a good level in terms of knowledge, skills and their further professional application. The student demonstrates an emerging ability for autonomous professional development in the field of study.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The completed tasks, the final exam and virtual classroom performance are at an excellent level in terms of knowledge, skills and their further application. The student is clearly capable of autonomous professional development and the application of his/her knowledge and skills in the field of study.

Assessment methods and criteria

0-51 - Fail
52-59 - 1
60-69 - 2
70-79 - 3
80 - 89-4
90 - 100 - 5

