Professional Finnish 2Laajuus (3 op)
Tunnus: BA00DG23
The student is able to communicate fluently and accurately in more specific professional situations with patients and colleagues. He/she understands more detailed and complex texts related to work and is able to write coherent texts on specific professional topics. Student enhances his/her spoken Finnish skills related to professional topics both in informal and formal situations.
The target level of the course is B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Interactive communication situations, telling about everyday life at work, e.g. medication, pain, patient cases, delicate or sensitive topics; instructions, forms, reporting
Grammar: standard vs. spoken Finnish, ways to make new vocabulary, expressions for the level of certainty, use of participles, complex sentences.
Professional Finnish 1 or equivalent knowledge.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
1-2 The student is able to communicate in routine professional situations in both spoken and written Finnish. He/she manages everyday working life communication situations if he/she gets help. The student understands some basic professional texts and is able to write them. However, he/she makes mistakes in grammatical structures, which cause misunderstanding and complicate communication. He/she has a command of basic nursing vocabulary. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation, However, his/her pronunciation is understandable, but sometimes inaccurate in special terminology.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
3-4 The student is able to communicate fluently in most of the detailed or specific professional situations in both spoken and written Finnish. He/she manages usually independently or with little help the specific working life communication situations, both in informal and formal situations. The student understands mostly the main ideas of a complex professional contents and is mostly able to write coherent and grammatically flawless text. He/she has a command of more specific nursing vocabulary. The pronunciation is mainly understandable.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
5 The student is able to communicate accurately and fluently in more detailed and specific professional situations in both spoken and written Finnish. He/she manages independently more specific working life communication situations, both in informal and formal situations. The student understands the main ideas of a complex professional contents and is able to write coherent and grammatically flawless text. He/she has a good command of more specific nursing vocabulary. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker.
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
The student does not achieve the learning outcomes at a satisfactory level.
Assessment Methods
- active participation (min. 50% to pass the course & min. 80% to get the highest grade)
- written and spoken Moodle assignments
- exam (Student has to score a minimum of 50% of the points to pass the exam)
21.10.2024 - 02.03.2025
10.02.2025 - 31.07.2025
3 op
SeAMK Nursing
SeAMK Seinäjoki, Kampustalo
- Suomi
- Englanti
10 - 40
- Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
- Sirkka Nieminen
MRN23Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
The student is able to communicate fluently and accurately in more specific professional situations with patients and colleagues. He/she understands more detailed and complex texts related to work and is able to write coherent texts on specific professional topics. Student enhances his/her spoken Finnish skills related to professional topics both in informal and formal situations.
The target level of the course is B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
Interactive communication situations, telling about everyday life at work, e.g. medication, pain, patient cases, delicate or sensitive topics; instructions, forms, reporting
Grammar: standard vs. spoken Finnish, ways to make new vocabulary, expressions for the level of certainty, use of participles, complex sentences.
Opetus- ja verkkomateriaali ilmoitetaan kurssin alussa.
- kontakti- ja etäopetus, itsenäinen opiskelu, kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät
Tenttien ajankohdat ja uusintamahdollisuudet
Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat sovitaan kurssin aikana. Kurssille osallistuminen edellyttä suostumista sähköisesti valvottuun tenttiin.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
81h, josta luentoja 22h
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen (EVK) taso B2
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1)
1-2 The student is able to communicate in routine professional situations in both spoken and written Finnish. He/she manages everyday working life communication situations if he/she gets help. The student understands some basic professional texts and is able to write them. However, he/she makes mistakes in grammatical structures, which cause misunderstanding and complicate communication. He/she has a command of basic nursing vocabulary. Other languages strongly influence the pronunciation, However, his/her pronunciation is understandable, but sometimes inaccurate in special terminology.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3)
3-4 The student is able to communicate fluently in most of the detailed or specific professional situations in both spoken and written Finnish. He/she manages usually independently or with little help the specific working life communication situations, both in informal and formal situations. The student understands mostly the main ideas of a complex professional contents and is mostly able to write coherent and grammatically flawless text. He/she has a command of more specific nursing vocabulary. The pronunciation is mainly understandable.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
5 The student is able to communicate accurately and fluently in more detailed and specific professional situations in both spoken and written Finnish. He/she manages independently more specific working life communication situations, both in informal and formal situations. The student understands the main ideas of a complex professional contents and is able to write coherent and grammatically flawless text. He/she has a good command of more specific nursing vocabulary. The pronunciation is close to that of a native speaker.
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
The student does not achieve the learning outcomes at a satisfactory level.
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
-aktiivinen osallistuminen (50 % kurssin läpäisemiseksi, 80 % kiitettävään arvosanaan)
-kirjalliset ja suulliset tehtävät
-tentti (50 % tentin läpäisemiseksi)
Professional Finnish 1 or equivalent knowledge.
Assessment Methods
- active participation (min. 50% to pass the course & min. 80% to get the highest grade)
- written and spoken Moodle assignments
- exam (Student has to score a minimum of 50% of the points to pass the exam)