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Registered Nurse as a Team LeaderLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: BA00CP00


The student knows the meaning of a team leader in nursing. The student practices leading skills and employee skills that are needed in nursing. Professional communication in nursing between the team members. The student is able to give and get constructive feedback of his/ her actions in nursing.

The student acts with an attitude of self-management. The student is aware of the responsibility for the quality of nursing in his/her own actions and in the organization. The student is able to prevent and detect shortcomings in the quality of the nursing process and understands the meaning of communication in it. The student is able to evaluate quality throughout the nursing process and understand the responsibility in securing and promoting patient safety.


Team leading and working as a team member. Qualities of effective team leader. Employee skills.

Finnish legislation and national quality guidelines and requirements.
Care guidelines, patient classification systems, quality management systems, quality assurance, sectors of patient safety: safe care, safe equipment, safe medication, Safety Incident Reporting System


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Registered Nurse's Medication and Fluid Care Competencies

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing
Clinical training in long term nursing

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- as a member of the working community and various networks, recognizes the role of a team.
- analyzes the topics of team management and quality assurance from a narrow perspective.
- to a limited extent, is able to link the topics to healthcare organizations.
- observes the working life laws and norms to a limited extent in healthcare organizations.
- is able to list needs for quality assurance methods.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to manage himself/ herself as a member of the working community and various teams.
- is capable of discussing management and quality assurance extensively.
- is able to link the topics to healthcare organizations.
- observes working life laws and norms in healthcare organizations.
- is able to analyze needs for quality assurance and patient safety in healthcare organizations.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to manage himself/ herself responsibly as a member of the working community and various networks.
- has good skills as an employee.
- seeks research knowledge on management and quality assurance.
- is able to extensively discuss the topics in relation to healthcare organizations.
- observes and critically applies working life laws and norms in healthcare organizations.
- is able to argue for and make conclusions on the needs for quality assurance and patient safety in healthcare organizations.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Fail = 0
The student
- as a member of the working community and various networks, does not recognize the meaning of management.
- analyzes the topics of management and quality assurance without connecting them with healthcare organizations.
- is not able to describe essential laws and norms of working life.
- is not able to recognize needs for quality assurance methods in healthcare organizations.


25.03.2024 - 15.09.2024


21.08.2024 - 06.10.2024


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

2 op

RD proportion (cr)

0.5 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Katriina Kuhalampi
Student groups
  • IEPN24F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education
  • MRN22
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)


The student knows the meaning of a team leader in nursing. The student practices leading skills and employee skills that are needed in nursing. Professional communication in nursing between the team members. The student is able to give and get constructive feedback of his/ her actions in nursing.

The student acts with an attitude of self-management. The student is aware of the responsibility for the quality of nursing in his/her own actions and in the organization. The student is able to prevent and detect shortcomings in the quality of the nursing process and understands the meaning of communication in it. The student is able to evaluate quality throughout the nursing process and understand the responsibility in securing and promoting patient safety.


Team leading and working as a team member. Qualities of effective team leader. Employee skills.

Finnish legislation and national quality guidelines and requirements.
Care guidelines, patient classification systems, quality management systems, quality assurance, sectors of patient safety: safe care, safe equipment, safe medication, Safety Incident Reporting System


Marquis & Huston. 2015. Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing. Theory and application. Lippincott. Williams & Willkins.

Other materials are told in Moodle course.

Teaching methods

Info lessons 2 h / contact lessons
-Independent study in Moodle 52 h

Student workload

Contact lessons 2 h / info
-Independent study (Moodle tasks) 52 h.

Further information

Info lessons are obligatory.
Individual tasks in Moodle
-shift shedule (pass or must fulfill)
-written assingment (grade 1-5)

Whole study module: grade 1-5.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- as a member of the working community and various networks, recognizes the role of a team.
- analyzes the topics of team management and quality assurance from a narrow perspective.
- to a limited extent, is able to link the topics to healthcare organizations.
- observes the working life laws and norms to a limited extent in healthcare organizations.
- is able to list needs for quality assurance methods.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to manage himself/ herself as a member of the working community and various teams.
- is capable of discussing management and quality assurance extensively.
- is able to link the topics to healthcare organizations.
- observes working life laws and norms in healthcare organizations.
- is able to analyze needs for quality assurance and patient safety in healthcare organizations.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to manage himself/ herself responsibly as a member of the working community and various networks.
- has good skills as an employee.
- seeks research knowledge on management and quality assurance.
- is able to extensively discuss the topics in relation to healthcare organizations.
- observes and critically applies working life laws and norms in healthcare organizations.
- is able to argue for and make conclusions on the needs for quality assurance and patient safety in healthcare organizations.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Fail = 0
The student
- as a member of the working community and various networks, does not recognize the meaning of management.
- analyzes the topics of management and quality assurance without connecting them with healthcare organizations.
- is not able to describe essential laws and norms of working life.
- is not able to recognize needs for quality assurance methods in healthcare organizations.


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Registered Nurse's Medication and Fluid Care Competencies

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing
Clinical training in long term nursing


01.05.2023 - 22.10.2023


20.11.2023 - 31.12.2023


2 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

0.5 op

Teaching languages
  • English
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing
  • Katriina Kuhalampi
  • Sinikka Vainionpää
Student groups
  • RN21
    Degree Programme in Nursing, Nursing Branch, Registered Nurse, RN, (UAS)
  • IEPN23F
    Sneak Peek of Finnish Nursing Education


The student knows the meaning of a team leader in nursing. The student practices leading skills and employee skills that are needed in nursing. Professional communication in nursing between the team members. The student is able to give and get constructive feedback of his/ her actions in nursing.

The student acts with an attitude of self-management. The student is aware of the responsibility for the quality of nursing in his/her own actions and in the organization. The student is able to prevent and detect shortcomings in the quality of the nursing process and understands the meaning of communication in it. The student is able to evaluate quality throughout the nursing process and understand the responsibility in securing and promoting patient safety.


Team leading and working as a team member. Qualities of effective team leader. Employee skills.

Finnish legislation and national quality guidelines and requirements.
Care guidelines, patient classification systems, quality management systems, quality assurance, sectors of patient safety: safe care, safe equipment, safe medication, Safety Incident Reporting System


Marquis & Huston. 2015. Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing. Theory and application. Lippincott. Williams & Willkins.

Other materials are told in Moodle course.

Teaching methods

Lessons 12 h + seminar 5 h = 17 h contact lessons
-Independent study (tasks) 37 h

Student workload

Lessons 12 h + seminar 5 h = 17 h contact lessons
-Independent study (tasks) 37 h.

Further information

Be at contact lessons (80 % obligatory), seminar is obligatory.
Individual task:
-shift shedule (pass or must fulfill)

Pair task
-seminar assingment and PP-presentation (grade 1-5)

Whole study module: grade 1-5.

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The student
- as a member of the working community and various networks, recognizes the role of a team.
- analyzes the topics of team management and quality assurance from a narrow perspective.
- to a limited extent, is able to link the topics to healthcare organizations.
- observes the working life laws and norms to a limited extent in healthcare organizations.
- is able to list needs for quality assurance methods.

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The student
- is able to manage himself/ herself as a member of the working community and various teams.
- is capable of discussing management and quality assurance extensively.
- is able to link the topics to healthcare organizations.
- observes working life laws and norms in healthcare organizations.
- is able to analyze needs for quality assurance and patient safety in healthcare organizations.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to manage himself/ herself responsibly as a member of the working community and various networks.
- has good skills as an employee.
- seeks research knowledge on management and quality assurance.
- is able to extensively discuss the topics in relation to healthcare organizations.
- observes and critically applies working life laws and norms in healthcare organizations.
- is able to argue for and make conclusions on the needs for quality assurance and patient safety in healthcare organizations.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

Fail = 0
The student
- as a member of the working community and various networks, does not recognize the meaning of management.
- analyzes the topics of management and quality assurance without connecting them with healthcare organizations.
- is not able to describe essential laws and norms of working life.
- is not able to recognize needs for quality assurance methods in healthcare organizations.


Registered Nurse's Core Competencies Modules I-III
Registered Nurse's Medication and Fluid Care Competencies

Clinical training in the basics of clinical nursing
Clinical training in gerontological nursing
Clinical training in long term nursing