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Foresight-Based DevelopmentLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: SOSATK40


Students have adopted a reflective, research and development-minded approach to work. They have research and development competence pertaining to the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students are able to define the idea and role of foresight-based development in health and social services. They are familiar with methods used in the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students examine social, legal, political, economic and ethical perspectives of foresight work. They know how to plan, implement and evaluate foresight processes. Students know how to inform decision-makers and the public of the results of the foresight processes. They are able to suggest improvements based on the results. They are able to evaluate and report on development projects in the social field.


- anticipation of competence and service needs
- foresight methods
- social, legal, ethical, political and economic perspectives
- using the results of foresight work
- project evaluation and report

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- have ability to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to describe and define the basic idea of foresight-based development
- are able to recognize the ways how foresight-based development can be used
- have ability to describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have competences to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and uses of foresight-based methods in service development
- have ability to make use of different reporting and informing concepts to different actors

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have capacities to broadly apply reflective, research- and development minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different solutions of foresight-based development and analyze their usefulness in service development
- are able to report and inform in varied ways of the development results to different actors

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Service User Involvement
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Services


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


07.01.2025 - 17.05.2025


3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS22C
  • SOS22B
  • SOS23A


Students have adopted a reflective, research and development-minded approach to work. They have research and development competence pertaining to the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students are able to define the idea and role of foresight-based development in health and social services. They are familiar with methods used in the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students examine social, legal, political, economic and ethical perspectives of foresight work. They know how to plan, implement and evaluate foresight processes. Students know how to inform decision-makers and the public of the results of the foresight processes. They are able to suggest improvements based on the results. They are able to evaluate and report on development projects in the social field.


- anticipation of competence and service needs
- foresight methods
- social, legal, ethical, political and economic perspectives
- using the results of foresight work
- project evaluation and report


-Laaksonen, H., Laitinen H., & Hiilamo, H. (2020). Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä (Luku 9 Tulevaisuuden ennakointia, sivut 256-279). SanomaPro.
- Jalonen, H., Lehtinen, M., Tonteri, A., Koskinen,M., Nousiainen, A., & Jäppinen, T. Signaaleista tulevaisuus tarinoihin. Ennakoinnin lyhyt käsikirja (Turun ammattikorkeakoulu oppimateriaaleja 109. Turku: Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.) Saatavissa : isbn9789522166524.pdf (
- Poussa, L. , Lähdemäki-Pekkinen, J., Ikäheimo, H-P., Dufva, M. 2021. Tulevaisuustaajuus- Käsikirja työpajan vetäjälle (Sitran selvityksiä 173). Sitra.
- Sundqvist, S. & Oulasvirta, L. (toim.). Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa (Kuntaliiton verkkojulkaisu). : Kuntaliitto. Pdf-julkaisu ladattavissa sivulta: Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa |
- Säädösvaikutusten arviointi ihmisiin kohdistuvien vaikutusten näkökulmasta (Julkaisuja 2/2016). Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
Yksi seuraavista:
-Nikander, J, Juntunen, E., Holmberg, A., Tuominen- Thuesen, M. Aikuisten parissa tehtävä työn osaamistarveraportti (Raportit ja Selvitykset 13). Opetushallitus.
- Backman, H. Englund, K. & Nordströn, A. 2012. Lapsissa on tulevaisuus. Päivähoitoon ja lapsi- ja perhetyöhön liittyviä tulevaisuuden skenaarioita ja osaamistarpeita. VOSE-projektin pilottiryhmän tulokset (Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 22). Opetushallitus.
- Taipale-Lehto , U. & Bergman, T. 2013. Vanhuspalveluiden osaamistarve raportti (Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 14). Opetushallitus.
- Terveys 2050. Neljä skenaariota ihmislähtöisestä terveydestä ja valinnanvapaudesta. Demos Helsinki.

Teaching methods

Studying in e-learning environment

Student workload

81 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- have ability to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to describe and define the basic idea of foresight-based development
- are able to recognize the ways how foresight-based development can be used
- have ability to describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have competences to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and uses of foresight-based methods in service development
- have ability to make use of different reporting and informing concepts to different actors

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have capacities to broadly apply reflective, research- and development minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different solutions of foresight-based development and analyze their usefulness in service development
- are able to report and inform in varied ways of the development results to different actors

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- can describe and define the basic idea of anticipatory development
- can identify some uses of anticipatory development

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- can describe the basic idea of anticipatory development in social and health care and compare different methods and uses of anticipatory development
- demonstrates the ability to apply anticipatory development methods to professional practices in social and health care.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student
- can describe the basic idea of anticipatory development in a versatile way and compare methods and approaches of anticipatory development with each other
- demonstrates the ability to apply methods of anticipatory development to professional practices in social and health care in a versatile way
- can evaluate the usefulness of anticipatory methods in the development of services in a versatile way.

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Service User Involvement
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Services


06.05.2024 - 12.05.2024


02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 35

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Katariina Perttula
Scheduling groups
  • Avoin AMK (Ei koske tutkinto-opiskelijaa) (Size: 10. Open UAS: 10.)
Student groups
  • MSOS23K
    Degree Programme in Social Services
  • MSOS22SV
Education groups
  • Open UAS (Doesn't apply to degree student)


Students have adopted a reflective, research and development-minded approach to work. They have research and development competence pertaining to the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students are able to define the idea and role of foresight-based development in health and social services. They are familiar with methods used in the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students examine social, legal, political, economic and ethical perspectives of foresight work. They know how to plan, implement and evaluate foresight processes. Students know how to inform decision-makers and the public of the results of the foresight processes. They are able to suggest improvements based on the results. They are able to evaluate and report on development projects in the social field.


- anticipation of competence and service needs
- foresight methods
- social, legal, ethical, political and economic perspectives
- using the results of foresight work
- project evaluation and report


-Laaksonen, H., Laitinen H., & Hiilamo, H. (2020). Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä (Luku 9 Tulevaisuuden ennakointia, sivut 256-279). SanomaPro.
- Jalonen, H., Lehtinen, M., Tonteri, A., Koskinen,M., Nousiainen, A., & Jäppinen, T. Signaaleista tulevaisuus tarinoihin. Ennakoinnin lyhyt käsikirja (Turun ammattikorkeakoulu oppimateriaaleja 109. Turku: Turun ammattikorkeakoulu.) Saatavissa : isbn9789522166524.pdf (
- Poussa, L. , Lähdemäki-Pekkinen, J., Ikäheimo, H-P., Dufva, M. 2021. Tulevaisuustaajuus- Käsikirja työpajan vetäjälle (Sitran selvityksiä 173). Sitra.
- Sundqvist, S. & Oulasvirta, L. (toim.). Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa (Kuntaliiton verkkojulkaisu). : Kuntaliitto. Pdf-julkaisu ladattavissa sivulta: Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa |
- Säädösvaikutusten arviointi ihmisiin kohdistuvien vaikutusten näkökulmasta (Julkaisuja 2/2016). Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
Yksi seuraavista:
-Nikander, J, Juntunen, E., Holmberg, A., Tuominen- Thuesen, M. Aikuisten parissa tehtävä työn osaamistarveraportti (Raportit ja Selvitykset 13). Opetushallitus.
- Backman, H. Englund, K. & Nordströn, A. 2012. Lapsissa on tulevaisuus. Päivähoitoon ja lapsi- ja perhetyöhön liittyviä tulevaisuuden skenaarioita ja osaamistarpeita. VOSE-projektin pilottiryhmän tulokset (Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 22). Opetushallitus.
- Taipale-Lehto , U. & Bergman, T. 2013. Vanhuspalveluiden osaamistarve raportti (Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 14). Opetushallitus.
- Terveys 2050. Neljä skenaariota ihmislähtöisestä terveydestä ja valinnanvapaudesta. Demos Helsinki.

Teaching methods

Studying in e-learning environment

Student workload

81 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- have ability to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to describe and define the basic idea of foresight-based development
- are able to recognize the ways how foresight-based development can be used
- have ability to describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have competences to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and uses of foresight-based methods in service development
- have ability to make use of different reporting and informing concepts to different actors

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have capacities to broadly apply reflective, research- and development minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different solutions of foresight-based development and analyze their usefulness in service development
- are able to report and inform in varied ways of the development results to different actors

Assessment criteria, good (3)

- can describe and define the basic idea of anticipatory development
- can identify some uses of anticipatory development

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- can describe the basic idea of anticipatory development in social and health care and compare different methods and uses of anticipatory development
- demonstrates the ability to apply anticipatory development methods to professional practices in social and health care.

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The student
- can describe the basic idea of anticipatory development in a versatile way and compare methods and approaches of anticipatory development with each other
- demonstrates the ability to apply methods of anticipatory development to professional practices in social and health care in a versatile way
- can evaluate the usefulness of anticipatory methods in the development of services in a versatile way

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Service User Involvement
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Services


13.03.2024 - 17.04.2024


01.05.2024 - 31.08.2024


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 49

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Katariina Perttula
  • Taja Kiiskilä


Students have adopted a reflective, research and development-minded approach to work. They have research and development competence pertaining to the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students are able to define the idea and role of foresight-based development in health and social services. They are familiar with methods used in the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students examine social, legal, political, economic and ethical perspectives of foresight work. They know how to plan, implement and evaluate foresight processes. Students know how to inform decision-makers and the public of the results of the foresight processes. They are able to suggest improvements based on the results. They are able to evaluate and report on development projects in the social field.


- anticipation of competence and service needs
- foresight methods
- social, legal, ethical, political and economic perspectives
- using the results of foresight work
- project evaluation and report


Laaksonen, H., Laitinen H., & Hiilamo, H. (2020). Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä (Luku 9 Tulevaisuuden ennakointia, sivut 256-279). Helsinki: SanomaPro.
- Jalonen, H., Lehtinen, M., Tonteri, A., Koskinen,M., Nousiainen, A., & Jäppinen, T. Signaaleista tulevaisuus tarinoihin. Ennakoinnin lyhyt käsikirja. Turun ammattikorkeakoulu oppimateriaaleja 109. Turku: Turun ammattikorkeakoulu. Saatavissa : isbn9789522166524.pdf (
- Sundqvist, S. & Oulasvirta, L. (toim.). Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa (Kuntaliiton verkkojulkaisu). : Kuntaliitto. Pdf-julkaisu ladattavissa sivulta: Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa |
•- Säädösvaikutusten arviointi ihmisiin kohdistuvien vaikutusten näkökulmasta. (Julkaisuja 2/2016). Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
Yksi seuraavista:
-Nikander, J, Juntunen, E., Holmberg, A., Tuominen- Thuesen, M. Aikuisten parissa tehtävä työn osaamistarveraportti. Raportit ja Selvitykset 13. Opetushallitus.
- Backman, H. Englund, K. & Nordströn, A. 2012. Lapsissa on tulevaisuus. Päivähoitoon ja lapsi- ja perhetyöhön liittyviä tulevaisuuden skenaarioita ja osaamistarpeita. VOSE-projektin pilottiryhmän tulokset. Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 22. Saatavissa:
- Taipale-Lehto , U. & Bergman, T. 2013. Vanhuspalveluiden osaamistarve raportti. Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 14. Saatavissa:
- Terveys 2050. Neljä skenaariota ihmislähtöisestä terveydestä ja valinnanvapaudesta. Demos Helsinki. Saatavissa:

Teaching methods

Studying in e-learning environment

Student workload

81 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- have ability to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to describe and define the basic idea of foresight-based development
- are able to recognize the ways how foresight-based development can be used
- have ability to describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have competences to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and uses of foresight-based methods in service development
- have ability to make use of different reporting and informing concepts to different actors

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have capacities to broadly apply reflective, research- and development minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different solutions of foresight-based development and analyze their usefulness in service development
- are able to report and inform in varied ways of the development results to different actors

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have ability to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to describe and define the basic idea of foresight-based development
- are able to recognize the ways how foresight-based development can be used
- have ability to describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have competences to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and uses of foresight-based methods in service development
- have ability to make use of different reporting and informing concepts to different actors

Assessment criteria, approved/failed

The students
- have capacities to broadly apply reflective, research- and development minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different solutions of foresight-based development and analyze their usefulness in service development
- are able to report and inform in varied ways of the development results to different actors

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Service User Involvement
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Services


02.05.2023 - 05.05.2023


08.01.2024 - 08.03.2024


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Tua Niemelä
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS22A
  • MSOS22K


Students have adopted a reflective, research and development-minded approach to work. They have research and development competence pertaining to the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students are able to define the idea and role of foresight-based development in health and social services. They are familiar with methods used in the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students examine social, legal, political, economic and ethical perspectives of foresight work. They know how to plan, implement and evaluate foresight processes. Students know how to inform decision-makers and the public of the results of the foresight processes. They are able to suggest improvements based on the results. They are able to evaluate and report on development projects in the social field.


- anticipation of competence and service needs
- foresight methods
- social, legal, ethical, political and economic perspectives
- using the results of foresight work
- project evaluation and report


Laaksonen, H., Laitinen H., & Hiilamo, H. (2020). Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä (Luku 9 Tulevaisuuden ennakointia, sivut 256-279). Helsinki: SanomaPro.
- Jalonen, H., Lehtinen, M., Tonteri, A., Koskinen,M., Nousiainen, A., & Jäppinen, T. Signaaleista tulevaisuus tarinoihin. Ennakoinnin lyhyt käsikirja. Turun ammattikorkeakoulu oppimateriaaleja 109. Turku: Turun ammattikorkeakoulu. Saatavissa : isbn9789522166524.pdf (
- Sundqvist, S. & Oulasvirta, L. (toim.). Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa (Kuntaliiton verkkojulkaisu). : Kuntaliitto. Pdf-julkaisu ladattavissa sivulta: Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa |
•- Säädösvaikutusten arviointi ihmisiin kohdistuvien vaikutusten näkökulmasta. (Julkaisuja 2/2016). Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
Yksi seuraavista:
-Nikander, J, Juntunen, E., Holmberg, A., Tuominen- Thuesen, M. Aikuisten parissa tehtävä työn osaamistarveraportti. Raportit ja Selvitykset 13. Opetushallitus.
- Backman, H. Englund, K. & Nordströn, A. 2012. Lapsissa on tulevaisuus. Päivähoitoon ja lapsi- ja perhetyöhön liittyviä tulevaisuuden skenaarioita ja osaamistarpeita. VOSE-projektin pilottiryhmän tulokset. Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 22. Saatavissa:
- Taipale-Lehto , U. & Bergman, T. 2013. Vanhuspalveluiden osaamistarve raportti. Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 14. Saatavissa:
- Terveys 2050. Neljä skenaariota ihmislähtöisestä terveydestä ja valinnanvapaudesta. Demos Helsinki. Saatavissa:

Teaching methods

Studying in e-learning environment

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- have ability to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to describe and define the basic idea of foresight-based development
- are able to recognize the ways how foresight-based development can be used
- have ability to describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have competences to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and uses of foresight-based methods in service development
- have ability to make use of different reporting and informing concepts to different actors

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have capacities to broadly apply reflective, research- and development minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different solutions of foresight-based development and analyze their usefulness in service development
- are able to report and inform in varied ways of the development results to different actors

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Service User Involvement
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Services


02.05.2023 - 05.05.2023


08.01.2024 - 01.03.2024


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS21B
  • SOS21C


Students have adopted a reflective, research and development-minded approach to work. They have research and development competence pertaining to the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students are able to define the idea and role of foresight-based development in health and social services. They are familiar with methods used in the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students examine social, legal, political, economic and ethical perspectives of foresight work. They know how to plan, implement and evaluate foresight processes. Students know how to inform decision-makers and the public of the results of the foresight processes. They are able to suggest improvements based on the results. They are able to evaluate and report on development projects in the social field.


- anticipation of competence and service needs
- foresight methods
- social, legal, ethical, political and economic perspectives
- using the results of foresight work
- project evaluation and report


Laaksonen, H., Laitinen H., & Hiilamo, H. (2020). Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä (Luku 9 Tulevaisuuden ennakointia, sivut 256-279). Helsinki: SanomaPro.
- Jalonen, H., Lehtinen, M., Tonteri, A., Koskinen,M., Nousiainen, A., & Jäppinen, T. Signaaleista tulevaisuus tarinoihin. Ennakoinnin lyhyt käsikirja. Turun ammattikorkeakoulu oppimateriaaleja 109. Turku: Turun ammattikorkeakoulu. Saatavissa : isbn9789522166524.pdf (
- Sundqvist, S. & Oulasvirta, L. (toim.). Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa (Kuntaliiton verkkojulkaisu). : Kuntaliitto. Pdf-julkaisu ladattavissa sivulta: Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa |
•- Säädösvaikutusten arviointi ihmisiin kohdistuvien vaikutusten näkökulmasta. (Julkaisuja 2/2016). Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
Yksi seuraavista:
-Nikander, J, Juntunen, E., Holmberg, A., Tuominen- Thuesen, M. Aikuisten parissa tehtävä työn osaamistarveraportti. Raportit ja Selvitykset 13. Opetushallitus.
- Backman, H. Englund, K. & Nordströn, A. 2012. Lapsissa on tulevaisuus. Päivähoitoon ja lapsi- ja perhetyöhön liittyviä tulevaisuuden skenaarioita ja osaamistarpeita. VOSE-projektin pilottiryhmän tulokset. Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 22. Saatavissa:
- Taipale-Lehto , U. & Bergman, T. 2013. Vanhuspalveluiden osaamistarve raportti. Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 14. Saatavissa:
- Terveys 2050. Neljä skenaariota ihmislähtöisestä terveydestä ja valinnanvapaudesta. Demos Helsinki. Saatavissa:

Teaching methods

Studying in e-learning environment

Student workload

81 hours

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- have ability to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to describe and define the basic idea of foresight-based development
- are able to recognize the ways how foresight-based development can be used
- have ability to describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have competences to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and uses of foresight-based methods in service development
- have ability to make use of different reporting and informing concepts to different actors

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have capacities to broadly apply reflective, research- and development minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different solutions of foresight-based development and analyze their usefulness in service development
- are able to report and inform in varied ways of the development results to different actors

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Service User Involvement
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Services


02.05.2022 - 05.05.2022


09.01.2023 - 10.03.2023


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 40

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • SOS20B
  • SOS21A
  • MSOS21K
  • SOS20C


Students have adopted a reflective, research and development-minded approach to work. They have research and development competence pertaining to the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students are able to define the idea and role of foresight-based development in health and social services. They are familiar with methods used in the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students examine social, legal, political, economic and ethical perspectives of foresight work. They know how to plan, implement and evaluate foresight processes. Students know how to inform decision-makers and the public of the results of the foresight processes. They are able to suggest improvements based on the results. They are able to evaluate and report on development projects in the social field.


- anticipation of competence and service needs
- foresight methods
- social, legal, ethical, political and economic perspectives
- using the results of foresight work
- project evaluation and report


Laaksonen, H., Laitinen H., & Hiilamo, H. (2020). Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä (Luku 9 Tulevaisuuden ennakointia, sivut 256-279). Helsinki: SanomaPro.
- Jalonen, H., Lehtinen, M., Tonteri, A., Koskinen,M., Nousiainen, A., & Jäppinen, T. Signaaleista tulevaisuus tarinoihin. Ennakoinnin lyhyt käsikirja. Turun ammattikorkeakoulu oppimateriaaleja 109. Turku: Turun ammattikorkeakoulu. Saatavissa : isbn9789522166524.pdf (
Talvela, J. & Stenman, K. Tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen menetelmiä (Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja. Sarja A. Nro 35) Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulu. tutu_kirja_web_ver3.pdf (
- Sundqvist, S. & Oulasvirta, L. (toim.). Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa (Kuntaliiton verkkojulkaisu). : Kuntaliitto. Pdf-julkaisu ladattavissa sivulta: Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa |
•- Säädösvaikutusten arviointi ihmisiin kohdistuvien vaikutusten näkökulmasta. (Julkaisuja 2/2016). Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö.
Yksi seuraavista:
-Nikander, J, Juntunen, E., Holmberg, A., Tuominen- Thuesen, M. Aikuisten parissa tehtävä työn osaamistarveraportti. Raportit ja Selvitykset 13. Opetushallitus.
- Backman, H. Englund, K. & Nordströn, A. 2012. Lapsissa on tulevaisuus. Päivähoitoon ja lapsi- ja perhetyöhön liittyviä tulevaisuuden skenaarioita ja osaamistarpeita. VOSE-projektin pilottiryhmän tulokset. Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 22. Saatavissa:
- Taipale-Lehto , U. & Bergman, T. 2013. Vanhuspalveluiden osaamistarve raportti. Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 14. Saatavissa:
- Terveys 2050. Neljä skenaariota ihmislähtöisestä terveydestä ja valinnanvapaudesta. Demos Helsinki. Saatavissa:

Teaching methods

Studying in e-learning environment

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- have ability to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to describe and define the basic idea of foresight-based development
- are able to recognize the ways how foresight-based development can be used
- have ability to describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have competences to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and uses of foresight-based methods in service development
- have ability to make use of different reporting and informing concepts to different actors

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have capacities to broadly apply reflective, research- and development minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different solutions of foresight-based development and analyze their usefulness in service development
- are able to report and inform in varied ways of the development results to different actors

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Service User Involvement
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Services


05.05.2021 - 09.05.2021


10.01.2022 - 30.05.2022


3 op

Virtual proportion (cr)

3 op

Teaching languages
  • Finnish

12 - 24

Degree programmes
  • Bachelor of Social Services
  • Katariina Perttula
Student groups
  • MSOS20
  • SOS19C
  • SOS20A
  • SOS19B


Students have adopted a reflective, research and development-minded approach to work. They have research and development competence pertaining to the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students are able to define the idea and role of foresight-based development in health and social services. They are familiar with methods used in the anticipation of service and competence needs. Students examine social, legal, political, economic and ethical perspectives of foresight work. They know how to plan, implement and evaluate foresight processes. Students know how to inform decision-makers and the public of the results of the foresight processes. They are able to suggest improvements based on the results. They are able to evaluate and report on development projects in the social field.


- anticipation of competence and service needs
- foresight methods
- social, legal, ethical, political and economic perspectives
- using the results of foresight work
- project evaluation and report


-Laaksonen, H., Laitinen H., & Hiilamo, H. 2020. Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon järjestelmä (Luku 9 Tulevaisuuden ennakointia, sivut 256-279). Helsinki: SanomaPro.
- Jalonen, H., Lehtinen, M., Tonteri, A., Koskinen,M., Nousiainen, A., & Jäppinen, T. Signaaleista tulevaisuus tarinoihin. Ennakoinnin lyhyt käsikirja. Turun ammattikorkeakoulu oppimateriaaleja 109. Turku: Turun ammattikorkeakoulu. Saatavissa : isbn9789522166524.pdf (
Talvela, J. & Stenman, K. Tulevaisuuden tutkimuksen menetelmiä. Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja. Sarja A. Nro 35. Kymenlaakson ammattikorkeakoulun julkaisuja. Sarja A. Nro 35. Saatavissa: tutu_kirja_web_ver3.pdf (
- Sundqvist, S. & Oulasvirta, L. (toim.). Vaikutusten ennakkoarviointi kunnallisessa päätöksenteossa. Kuntaliiton verkkojulkaisu. Helsinki: Kuntaliitto. Pdf-julkaisu ladattavissa sivulta:
•- Säädösvaikutusten arviointi ihmisiin kohdistuvien vaikutusten näkökulmasta. Sosiaali-ja terveysministeriö Julkaisuja 2/2016. Saatavissa:
Yksi seuraavista:
-Nikander, J, Juntunen, E., Holmberg, A., Tuominen- Thuesen, M. Aikuisten parissa tehtävä työn osaamistarveraportti. Raportit ja Selvitykset 13. Opetushallitus.
- Backman, H. Englund, K. & Nordströn, A. 2012. Lapsissa on tulevaisuus. Päivähoitoon ja lapsi- ja perhetyöhön liittyviä tulevaisuuden skenaarioita ja osaamistarpeita. VOSE-projektin pilottiryhmän tulokset. Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 22. Saatavissa:
- Taipale-Lehto , U. & Bergman, T. 2013. Vanhuspalveluiden osaamistarve raportti. Opetushallitus Raportteja ja selvityksiä 14. Saatavissa:
- Terveys 2050. Neljä skenaariota ihmislähtöisestä terveydestä ja valinnanvapaudesta. Demos Helsinki. Saatavissa:

Teaching methods

Studying in e-learning environment

Evaluation scale


Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1)

The students
- have ability to recognize reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to describe and define the basic idea of foresight-based development
- are able to recognize the ways how foresight-based development can be used
- have ability to describe different reporting methods and information channels

Assessment criteria, good (3)

The students
- have competences to apply reflective, research- and development-minded work orientation
- have capacities to compare different applications and uses of foresight-based methods in service development
- have ability to make use of different reporting and informing concepts to different actors

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The students
- have capacities to broadly apply reflective, research- and development minded work orientation
- have capacities to critically compare different solutions of foresight-based development and analyze their usefulness in service development
- are able to report and inform in varied ways of the development results to different actors

Further information

Students choose between this and the following courses:
- Service User Involvement
- Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Social Services